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13th Annual Shred For Your Life Guitar Battle

Video by Paul Gar Roura


This year’s (lucky) 13th annual Shred For Your Life guitar battle was held in Greenpoint at Brooklyn Bazaar. Notoriously combining the absurd with the even more absurd, mastermind Marc Razo’s vision for SYFL has substantially grown since its conception in 2005. Previous winner Mrs Smith crushed “The Star-Spangled Banner” with an appropriate jumpstart to the evening. Starting with 12 guitarists, ass-less chaps, stovepipes, studded vests, body slams, peace signs, long hair’ds, short hair’ds and denim were not in short supply. This year’s judging panel included Orange is the New Black star Jessica Pimentel (who turns out is in two metal bands), stand-up comedian Dave Hill, Jon Theodore from Queens of the Stone Age and musician Matt Sweeney (Iggy Pop, Bonnie Prince Billy as well as host of the internet talk show Guitar Moves). Following several close battle rounds, midway, the audience had an opportunity to resurrect a guitarist back into the competition. With thunderous support they chose Caitlin Montclare. Plot twist—2018’s SYFL finalists came down to two other women. When newcomer Nicole Lawrence was first introduced on stage, it was announced that she had come to make friends, then she shredded everyone’s face off until it came down to her and former 2010 champion Lily Maase. In the end, Lily Maase would edge Lawrence out for the well deserved, highly coveted 2018 SFYL guitar crown made by Meryl Smith, a larger than life three-foot guitar-pick trophy customized by Arik Roper and a brand new Fender Telecaster donated by Fender. Throughout the night, competing musicians were backed up by SFYL rhythm section—Brad Truax (Interpol) and John Stanier (Battles and Helmet) joined by DJ Prolific. Despite broken guitar strings and tough judging calls, the night ran relatively smoothly with SYFL’s electric engine Amy Ellington at the helm. Until next year, I’ll be anticipating the return of voice-modulated band leader Wilder Zoby (The Gong Show) and co-host Emily Panic—because if you have yet to attend SFYL, you’ve been truly missing out. #FOMO is a real thing; don’t blow it next year.

Jilleen Liao


Photos by Taylor Sesselman

Shred 0639 750pxGetting cheeky backstage with Mrs. Smith, Caitlin Montclare, and Blake Charlton.

Shred 1085 750pxThe reward for throwing a guitar battle? Sitting in the front row waiting to see how it unfolds.

Shred 1126 750pxLet the games begin!

Shred 1288 750pxRandy Macho Man Savage shares some words with the crowd after his win over Nick Millevoi.

Shred 1316 750pxWhen somebody comes to a guitar battle dressed as Randy Macho Man, you can be sure he’ll deliver the goods.

Shred 1358 750pxThe audience at Shred For Your Life plays just as big a roll as it’s performers.

Shred 1708 750pxThe Guest Judge Panel (Dave Hill, Jessica Pimentel, Jon Theodore, and Matt Sweeney) passing judgement upon Blake Charlton from the band Slashers.

Shred 1761 750pxRight before the semi-finals the audience gets to revive one fallen Shredder from the dead via applause-o-meter.

Shred 1884 750pxNicole Lawrence stopping the Macho Man dead in his tracks.

Shred 2126 750pxFinal Battle! Lily Maase vs. Nicole Lawrence. Vicious playing from both parties leaving the judges tongue tied and audience screaming for more.

Shred 2204 750pxThere can be only one. Champion Lily Maase flanked by host Wilder Zoby, co-host Emily Panic and semi-finalist Nicole Lawrence.

Shred 2216 750pxTo the victor go the spoils. Lily wins a crown made by Meryl Smith, a three-foot guitar pick made by Arik Roper, a brand new Fender Telecaster and the respect and glory that comes with winning!


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