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Ben Raybourn Interview

Ben Raybourn Interview

Interview by Kristian Svitak | Photos by Matt Mecaro

How old are you and where do you live?
I’m 16 and living in Rosenberg, TX. Unfortunately.

How long have you been skating?
I’m not that good at counting. Since I was like nine.

Ben Raybourn Interview

How often do you brush your teeth? Don’t lie!
When I feel like it—I’m so punk.

Let’s get to the good stuff. I know that you’re really into music, especially punk. Here’s your chance to tell all these skate nerds about some of your favorite bands.
Liking bands isn’t punk rock.

I know you have a band. What’s the name of it and what’s it all about?
We are the best band ever formed. That’s all you need to know.

Ben Raybourn Interview

I’ve noticed that you don’t know much about modern day pros, but you know a lot about pros of the past. Who are some of your favorite pros from the past?
Doug Brown.

What are your favorite skate videos?
Thrashin’. The serving platter handrail scene from Triple X.

How did you end up getting sponsored by 1031?
You noticed that I didn’t suck that bad, and you gave me a board because I’m cute.

Do you ever think you can get your own reality show, “The Life Of Ben”?
That would be very entertaining! I hope so; then maybe girls will like me.

Tell us about going to school barefoot.
Shoes are for posers.

Ben Raybourn Interview
Frontside air

You have a lot of fun with skateboarding, and you don’t pay much attention to mags and videos. You’re kind of in your own little Ben world. How do you feel about the current state of skateboarding? Everything from the mags, the pros, to the kids out on the streets. Do you feel like it’s gotten a little to pretentious? A little too serious?
Maybe a little of both, but I’m too punk to care.

Your band has a song called “Hot Topic, Get Out of Punk.” Why do you think they should get out of punk?
Because Old Navy is better.

Remember when you were staying at my house and I left to go somewhere, and you accidentally let my dog out the front door? My neighbor later told me the story—you were chasing him all around the neighborhood. When I came home, why didn’t you ever tell me about it? You acted like nothing ever happened. Did you think I would have killed you?
I’m not that mean! I love your dog. Hi, Oscar.

Do I ask the worst questions ever?
No, you’re amazing.

Tell all the kiddies out there the companies that you proudly endorse with the utmost professionalism.
1031 skates, I-Path, Innes clothing, Indy trucks, and Landshark wheels.

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