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Brixton's "Hand Poked in Montreal" Premiere Photos

Brixton’s Hand Poked in Montreal premiered last night at Black in Los Angeles and Bar Bifteck in Montreal, Canada. The video is a three-song edit that accompanies the Brixton tour article of the same name featured in the April issue of the mag. I checked out the premier in LA to watch the vid and check out who was in attendance. —Joe Hammeke


Brixton printed up their own classy drink coasters for the night.


They also supplied these kick-ass wristbands good for free beer!


Jordan Taylor and friends, ready for the WKND.


Anthony Schultz and his lady. She obviously knows something is up. I’m claiming its that he’s back from knee surgery!


Taylor Bingaman and Matt Berger taking full advantage of the wristband’s powers.


There were a half-dozen TVs looping Hand Poked in Montreal throughout the night.


The Brixton team riders checking it out.


Dolan Stearns and Thrasher lensman Matt Bublitz. Matt filmed and edited the video, with Brixton's J-Lee supplying some second angles.  


Boosh and Daniel Wheatley. Did you know Boosh spent three winters in Arizona just so he could get tricks in the Cowtown video, Get in the Good Foot?


Speaking of Arizona, here’s a couple of transplants: Baker TM Doughnut and Brixton team rider Chris Maalouf.


Ernie Torres and one of Black’s bouncers.


Sam Muller’s photos from the article were hanging along the walls. Dolan Stearns had to cop this one before heading out. Be sure to check out Hand Poked in Montreal playing here.

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