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Burnout: A Little Vert

I'd seen pictures of a smaller vert ramp in my neighborhood for awhile but had yet to check it out until piggybacking recently on a Hewitt mish. Turns out I didn't even have to get on the freeway!
BURNOUT 0001Out front, Polarized

BURNOUT 0002On deck rituals


BURNOUT 0004Oh, hey Jeff …

BURNOUT 0005Cruising into a warm-up run, the Vamp, out before dark!

BURNOUT 0006#decked

BURNOUT 0007Auby's vert kick is super intriguing to me, least of all because he looks like an '80s Zorlac pro.

BURNOUT 0008Rata Rampa!

BURNOUT 0009Chafe slide!

BURNOUT 0010Seeing Grosso rock the small wall is a sight to behold

BURNOUT 0011Got to meet the Shark! Classic boneless form

BURNOUT 0012Truth be told, these photos are from three different sessions, which will explain any costume changes and/or wildly-different white balance issue you may detect. Is that Brent Schneider???

BURNOUT 0013Through the bamboo


BURNOUT 0015Heavy local (and world champ!) Brighton Zeuner

BURNOUT 0016Big E, over the C

BURNOUT 0017Lein to tails are tight. Leins to tail?

BURNOUT 0018Only in skateboarding can 50-ish men and teenage girls speak the same language

BURNOUT 0019You seen that new Losi board? Get out!

BURNOUT 0020Nothing will stop Peter Kubrick from capturing the magic

BURNOUT 0021Lizzie is local too. Slob fasty

BURNOUT 0022Japan air, Shark-style

BURNOUT 0023Over the canyon to 5-0. Are you guys thirsty?

BURNOUT 0024Ah, the dreaded crevasse

BURNOUT 0025Nothing to do but bust it I guess

BURNOUT 0026Brailslide!

BURNOUT 0027Boneless channel, looking like a young Mark Lake

BURNOUT 0028Proper tuck. That's why she's the champ!

BURNOUT 0029Ye olde sweep n leap

BURNOUT 0030Madonna … and a rabbit

BURNOUT 0031He doesn't take a lot of runs, but when he gets on a good one – stand back!

BURNOUT 0032Parts! 'Member when he did this in the end of the capsule in Poweredge? No?

BURNOUT 0033Schneider wanted a plant and he got one

BURNOUT 0034Golden hour Shark

BURNOUT 0035Is that Charno or Stanton?

BURNOUT 0036Señor Bailey planted one, then back to the avos

BURNOUT 0037Look out…

BURNOUT 0038Kubrick readies the steady cam

BURNOUT 0040It's like you're there!

BURNOUT 0041Head scratchingly awesome

BURNOUT 0042'Are you next?'

BURNOUT 0043Nailed it

BURNOUT 0044Easter egg skies and a BBC shape

BURNOUT 0045Over to Smith

BURNOUT 0047Classic smack

BURNOUT 0048And a close-out stale fakie. Wow!

BURNOUT 0049Slider 'er down. We're done here. Thanks, vert shredders!