Thrasher and the three stripes teamed up for a classic parking lot skate jam. What could possibly go wrong? Burnout, reporting

Ah, the city of dreams

Hadn’t braved Hollywood for years

Everything back to normal?

I mean, yeah …

How do we get into this thing?

The Codebreaker knows

How the cop car arrived

AVE wheels it into place

Very tricky with a plywood windshield

Set dressing

The team

The old guys scheme so the kids can have fun

Berle arrives for recognizance

A team of artists got it looking authentic

First rips

Oh shit, look who made it

Anyone who read the FATL article will get a kick out of this one


Check 2

Big John, ready for battle

More proof of concept


Finally … a REAL artist

Brent from Ramp Carnies on fork

Just like the flyer!

‘You got any colors for a good Snoopy?’

Yes, I know it’s actually Spike from Needles

Look at that interior!

AVE obliges with a quick pole vault

Sherbert braves the gap, 5-0 style

This wall was no joke. Five feet of curve, five of vert, maybe?

Gonna be sick

Early birds, part 1

Part 2

The family that Muskas together, stays together

Half-hearted thumbs up. Also, what’s Vulgar Vomit? Should I know about this?

That’s more the FA spirit!

These fools

Renewables will save the world. And make a great tattoo

Anderson breaks in the up ledge. Yowza!

While Nikolai gets fresh tracks on AVE’s curved bench

Two times, if you know him

Eyeing the course

Henry avoids the red tape

Some foreshadowing here

Whatuup, Pete?!

Now … the Youth, Part 1

‘Don’t you know what kinda hills this fool bombs??’

Tyson made it!


This was a real thing

Lil’ Joe, straight off that
Hockey X joint

Miles made it! So sick!

The car was the main show, then the wall

First Kickflip

Not an Omar money grab. Gray jumped with a board in his hand

Phat 180

The transfer

Denzel with the ill tailbone

Todd’s here!

Jake’s got impressive transition skills. Jeff’s no slouch either

This cost me $20! Street Nicole was ripping

Holy shit!

The bumpster got hit a lot, but I barely shot it. Call me a snob

Berle, NBS the whole loaf

Shaping up rather nicely, innit?


The rest is just details

I know y’all didn’t forget about
Greg Harris! 
Shane puts those brass balls into a back tail

Holy shit 2.0!

This lil’ buddy was absolutely crushing it

Gary noticed

An early barrier breach. GTWYC

Kirby flicks tré

270 lipper, wow!

This is an inward heel. I know!

Only a few folks had it on the wall. One was this homie

Another was Psycho ‘Dro, of course

Louie stokes some shoe fans on the sidelines

Comin’ through!

Curren sneaks in a nosegrind behind Carlisle

This was the incredibly warm portion of the afternoon

North Hollywood fools were feeling it

Jake with a back decker. It’s a make

Grant made it!

Oh yeah he did

Shawn Hale flexed his King of the Stoner QP status over the can

A slam is not a bail

FS flip, LL

Can’t remember if Hale made this 5-0 fakie around Baby Schizo

Yeah, maybe not

Worthy fuckin’ photo adversary


Lein to tail

Tattoo it on your forehead, sir!

Tight Alien bros from way back

Tyson and Ish

Curved bench area turned into peanut gallery, Widdup, Shane!

Shealy, enjoying his day off

Mango ’n’ them

Then Grant scraped out a classic backside air

The Youth, Part 2

Time to turn the car the long way

Shit wouldn’t even start

Swing it around

Some semblance of direction

Checking the distance

Good sky view opp

Y’all ready?

Maiden voyage. Whaaaa!!!

If Curren’s having trouble …

Air ball

Almost had it

Caddie service

Gonna need this

Decided to get the moto tow


Jake made it!

Kirby with that mean grasser. This has gotta feel good!


Next one!

Manch and pal go Skylab

The hippie made it!

He’s got that PMA!

Almost on the kf

Barely avoided getting run over a few times

Jesus Christ!

Manch almost pulled a Patch on this one

Still hotdogging on the way back tho

Hefty stale

Look at that face! Yeehaw!!

This was my shitty photo of the kickflip. Shit, y’all seen the video …

Epic moment

Sprinkles with a beautiful Japan

Gary’s claiming last try

Or something like that

And then the roof caved in! Simply amazing bs 360

He kissed Rye’s lens

And breathe …

The crowd in three frames

No time for love, Dr. Jones!

The toss

The Youth, part 3

This was when someone tossed a bag of weed into the crowd

Only one thing the kids love more than stickers

Was a little concerned for this homie, but his friend was even smaller

Last of the goods

Okay, now what?

Winners announced!

Press ready?

Kirby comes up for the second-place call

‘So that went pretty well ..’

‘We’re done here, right?’

Ah … yes

If you have a rap video to film, I’d recommend you do it now

Many thanks to the heroes from the LAFD. Really, amazing response. Thank you, fellas. We owe you one

‘Okay, where do you think I can cash this fuckin’ thing???’