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Burnout: Family Stone

Saturday night was the premiere of Volcom's True To This video showcasing the finest achievement among all of their top 'boarders.

Burnout: Family Stone
Caught up with Louie and Ben in front of the photo wall, checking clips with our very own Ewan Bowman.

Burnout: Family Stone
The tables get turned on World's Best Dad. Totally natural.

Burnout: Family Stone
Yep, nailed it.

Burnout: Family Stone
As stated, this was a video featuring skateboarding, surfing and snowboarding, so there were many new friends to be made at this premier.

Burnout: Family Stone
But some familiar faces never hurt - the Provosts party on.

Burnout: Family Stone
Sure, they might look a bit stiff, but that's what being a dad does to you.

Burnout: Family Stone
Mad heads in the VIP area.

Burnout: Family Stone
Rowley hooks me up on this Kane/Patterson poach.

Burnout: Family Stone
Rousing speech by founder Wooly.

Burnout: Family Stone
Inspirational stuff.

Burnout: Family Stone
Despite the rain, crowds converging.

Burnout: Family Stone
Who wore it better?

Burnout: Family Stone
WBD gets to work. As Volcom's oldest rider, Caswell was primed for a sound bite.

Burnout: Family Stone
World's Best Premiere, watch it here.

Burnout: Family Stone
Everyone was there. These bros!

Burnout: Family Stone
These shutterbugs.

Burnout: Family Stone
The Duff brothers made it!

Burnout: Family Stone
I was out in the Ibiza Love Parade tent.

Burnout: Family Stone
A crush of thirsty humanity.

Burnout: Family Stone
The Dunc plows through. The place was PACKED!

Burnout: Family Stone
From here it was all sort of a blur. I think the spirit of the Stone must have overwhelmed me 'cause all I can remember was a swirling melange of high air, high fives and that Stone, that cosmic fuckin' Stone! Needless to say, I came up short on my photo duties. Pretty bummed. But then it hit me: Why don't I just do what my bros in the social media biz do every day and just steal (share?) photos that other people shot? That's a thing, right? Why hadn't I thought of this before???!!!

Burnout: Family Stone

Hammeke party imagery

With that said, here's Hambone's pictures. This was gonna work out fine! Speeches before the movie starts.

Burnout: Family Stone
Hammeke party imagery

Technical industry secrets revealed!

Burnout: Family Stone
Hammeke Party imagery

Nassim and friends. Wow!

Burnout: Family Stone

Hammeke Party Imagery

Ry Rey busted out a party sweater. Looks like it worked.

Burnout: Family Stone
Hammeke Party Imagery

'And then I was like, and then she was like, and then I was all ...'

Burnout: Family Stone
Hammeke Party Imagery

Ginger joke here.

Burnout: Family Stone
Hammeke Party Imagery

Whatever these two are talking about, it's gotta be gnarly.

Burnout: Family Stone
Hammeke Party Imagery

Loy and Karl, by a nose.

Burnout: Family Stone
Hammeke Party Imagery

OC Cruiser

From there I went straight for the #truetothis #hashtags. Before I knew it, my work was done! No wonder CNN fired all their photojournalists. This is way easier. #sharingisnotstealing #foshofoshofosho

Burnout: Family Stone
What? I didn't even see these dudes! Naawwsty!

Burnout: Family Stone


Steve Black knows a thing or two about a night out in the OC.

Burnout: Family Stone


The first of many Sheckler shots. Nice to see he still has time for the bros.


Burnout: Family Stone


So THAT'S what it looked like in there.

Burnout: Family Stone


There was a photo booth?? Where was I?

Burnout: Family Stone


Dr Dave, about to give Greyson a beard adjustment.

Burnout: Family Stone


I heard it was more like 5000!


Burnout: Family Stone

Babes, everywhere.

Burnout: Family Stone

Burnout: Family Stone


Don't remember seeing these bros there, but the hashtags don't lie.

Burnout: Family Stone


Hardflip Carlos met up with the Berrics' Josiah Gatlyn, lookin' burl!

Burnout: Family Stone


The ocean halfpipe stuff is AMAZING.

Burnout: Family Stone


I should just hire @windowseatpictures next time. He nailed it.

Burnout: Family Stone


That's why we hired him, @guanmu.

Burnout: Family Stone


OMG, me too!

Burnout: Family Stone


All the photos from the event are for sale up on @aikacollective, jus sayin'

Burnout: Family Stone
Burnout: Family Stone

Sheckler was the must-have photo of the night, for sure.

Burnout: Family Stone

@desireemoore takes a break from emailing to cut loose with the #PNW crew. Nice!

Burnout: Family Stone


Burnout: Family Stone

Sick shot @joelmontecalvo!

Burnout: Family Stone

Killer smiles!

Burnout: Family Stone

These bros!

Burnout: Family Stone


You can always count on @doubledunc to get to the meat of the matter.

Burnout: Family Stone

Unorthodox aerialists Greyson and C Blair.

Burnout: Family Stone


Whatever, pervert.

Burnout: Family Stone

Burnout: Family Stone


The group shot I missed. Thanks @response_dist!

Burnout: Family Stone


Wait a second, maybe this one is better.

Burnout: Family Stone


Yep, good times indeed! Sorry I zorched out. Congrats Volcom bros! Thanks #hashtaggers! You saved my life!