Burnout: Fully Des Moines
The Fully Gold crew rolls into the jewel of the corn belt for the big Subsect demo.
Rickk's always a little nervous on demo day.
Having all this support definitely helps.
Shop talk in the parking lot.
Fashion check.
'So let me get this straight ... you wanna trade me WHAT for my socks??'
Emerica crew in high spirits.
Spider S. Thompson!
Word's out!
Big Wheat wrangles the group photo at Subsect.
Boss prematurely raising the roof.
These guys aren't bummed, just badasses.
Totally affectionate, actually.
Ridiculous outfit #3,213.
'Think Biebel's gonna skate this one, Daddy?' 'You know he will, Sugarplum. You know he will ...'
Grabbing some steps with Big Wheat.
Not that he makes it easy.
Out-ledge madness!
Here we go ...
Perfectly timed with our kick-out!
That's a wrap.
Later, when rolling 45 deep really pays off.
They moved the whole mountain in under five minutes.
That's when our guy Bublitz decided to flex his bar hop!
Sciano goes tweak and turn.
Clearing it with ease, just needed that ride away!
The ol' 1-2!
'Never bet against Big Jon! Never!'
'Ok, get it together. We've got this demo to do ...'
Skate South!
Solid welcome wagon.
Heavy reppin'
'You think Matt Allen is gonna be here?'
Flood of familiar sights and sounds within the rink.
Nice kickflip, princess!
The pickles? Oh, they're still there. The tater tots – still competitively priced.
For purposes of flourescent color balance Snafus we will now be switching to B&W. Thank you for your understanding.
If there's an extension Raven will find it!
Spinach fires first shot in the air wars with a hearty hardy!
Rickk plops a blunt slide over the bench and off the end. Nice!
Got the locals psyched ... most of 'em anyway.
Westy on the overturn fakie grind.
Romero's route up and over.
Street Raven on BSTS.
Everyone just wants to see The Boss fly!
Herm shut down many a demo with the ol' nollie inwardo. Must be nice.
Westgate, Wray-wise.
Stunned on the sidelines.
Hurricane Howard!
Riley manhandles a crunt.
And then a Biebel reign of terror crescendos with a nosegrind over the mountain from flat!
Uh oh ...
Roller rink B-day surprise!
Now Biebel's not really a birthday candle type of dude but it was a testament to his good nature that he didn't leave the homies hangin'.
Happy 34th, Brandon!
Carroll had a little bit of showtime left in him.
Rogers, ready to take over at any moment.
'Did you get that? Fuck!'
Raven floats the gap frontside with ease!
Backside proved to be a far-trickier affair.
And then the 1/4 gainer.
Bublitz's face says it all (as usual!)
Damn it.
Management checking the carnage.
After-party in the parking lot.
Concerned well wishers.
Party of one?
We've all been there, fella.
Casey's mom made it!
These shrinking violets.
Left 'em in good hands with Ewan.
'This Hall of Meat reminds me of us ....'
Gonna be a heck of a summer.
Thank you Subsect! Farewell Skate South.
Burnout: Best Year Ever-2009
Here's a wrap up of 2009 from Burnout. -
Burnout: Awash
Here's the final chapter on Burnout's trip to Houston with the Habitat crew. Make sure to watch the video at the end—tight. -
Burnout: Spine Time
Burnout has a little spine time with the 2008 SOTY on the second-to-last day of his reign. -
Burnout: A Christian Nation
Burnout went to Houston, Texas with the Habitat bros. -
Burnout: Gig Relief
Burnout provides a few gems to start out your week.