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Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout


Another expungement of the ol' hard drives.

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
Rincon on a soccer day.

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
Sometimes you think you knocked out a Globe ad only to be told that Chad Fernandez did the trick in the '90s. NANDEZ!!!!!

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
A very Randy Rhoadsian moment for the members of Rat Black.

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
Bottom angle of an old Rowley Indy ad.

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
The shadow knows at Skip's.

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
Strople and Mountain reflect on classic and not-so-classic sticks.

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
Was that a free one?

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
Ellington and his crew.

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
Thomas Bonilla in the land of giant yellow curbs.

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
Brian Hansen.

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
Murawski's healthy glow after the DVS roundup.

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
Always outpacing himself, backsmithwise, Diggler Reyes.

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
Street view of Figgy's smith.

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
Airs are the easiest to shoot of all the disciplines.

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
If you fuck up an air photo you are blowing it.

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
 Murph blasts 180. Major turf.

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
Nick Boserio's back 50 was time-out worthy.

Burnout: Gig-A-Blowout
Sorry I couldn't beat the internet video, Nick. You've got a sick photo in the OZ Skate Rock article, if that's any consolation.