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Burnout: Lizzie's Pro!

The stage was set. We told Lizzie that we were filming Tony's intro for the Birdhouse video and wanted a good ol' fashioned backyard ramp sesh. All we had to do was get her and all her friends and family there without anyone spilling the beans!

BURNOUT 0001Killer half? Check!

BURNOUT 0002Just some ramp locals I guess.

BURNOUT 0003Stolling: readying for a day of vertical insanity.

BURNOUT 0004'Should I skate?'

BURNOUT 0005Let the airtime begin!

BURNOUT 0006Vert Loy – over the chasm!

BURNOUT 0007Oh, you don't know about Vert Salk??!

BURNOUT 0008If I didn't know Ben was from Texas I'd swear he was Floridian.

BURNOUT 0009Ah shit, the kids are here.

BURNOUT 0010Heavy localism from Brighton Z.

BURNOUT 0011I mean, super, duper local.

BURNOUT 0012No handed shove-it, no big deal for Yung E.

BURNOUT 0013Ok, this is getting ridiculous.

BURNOUT 0014Ahem.

BURNOUT 0015Vert Hale, hanging out his classic BSNB.

BURNOUT 0016Loy gets taily.

BURNOUT 0017Only to end with the classic wall splat. Playing with fire on that thing!

BURNOUT 0018Meanwhile, over on the mini …

BURNOUT 0019Classic plants from Clive.

BURNOUT 0020Loy with a harsh bean.

BURNOUT 0021Always someone tryna get street.

BURNOUT 0022And then Loy with the showstopper!

BURNOUT 0023But you already saw that on Tony's Facebook Live feed, right?

BURNOUT 0024Jerome, out front pacing. You'd think he'd be used to this level of production by now.

BURNOUT 0025If this doesn't work ….

BURNOUT 0026Finally, the legends filter in.

BURNOUT 0027Cab's classic training is crucial in any halfpipe-based surprise.

BURNOUT 0028Boom!

BURNOUT 0029Packy Fancher came to support, tuck-knee wise.

BURNOUT 0030Here we go …

BURNOUT 0031As with any Hosoi appearance, the accessories come hard and fast.

BURNOUT 0032Elusive Birdman? Check!

BURNOUT 0033Warmin' it up, canyon style.

BURNOUT 0034Mm-hmm.

BURNOUT 0035Packy, packin' a Madonna to go!

BURNOUT 0036Classic Holmes slash.

BURNOUT 0037Look out!

BURNOUT 0038I love it.

BURNOUT 0039Ramp local Jeff advises newcomer Anthony.

BURNOUT 0040I see you Perelson, you handsome S.O.B!

BURNOUT 0041Starting to be a crowd.

BURNOUT 0042Top sheboarders, everywhere.

BURNOUT 0043The street team decides it's quittin' time. Surprised they lasted as long as they did.

BURNOUT 0044I don't know. I think he looks good in a full-cut.

BURNOUT 0045And then finally …. the girl of the hour, none the wiser. Shhhh!

BURNOUT 0046Lasko, nosegrind elasko.

BURNOUT 0047Whoooo!

BURNOUT 0048And then the showstopper! Hard not to get a little giddy in these scenarios, right?

BURNOUT 0049'Did that look good?'

BURNOUT 0050Undead, coming through!

BURNOUT 0051Grossman ollie-eth.

BURNOUT 0052Speaking of, ya'll know Nicole Hause right?

BURNOUT 0053So badass! Invert to fakie.

BURNOUT 0054Nora with the indy scooper!

BURNOUT 0055Lotta Losi talk at this sesh. Cab floats one for Big Al.

BURNOUT 0056BTW, did you know Gilbert's working on a part with Nora? Consider this a goddamn teaser!

BURNOUT 0057Lein loft.

BURNOUT 0058Packy, feeble attacky.

BURNOUT 0059To tail.

BURNOUT 0060The beef narrowly escaped his clutches!

BURNOUT 0061Nice!

BURNOUT 0062Ollie oop – get out!

BURNOUT 0063Lil' Ben – misfit no more.

BURNOUT 0064Four wheels out on a classic '85 SMA Natas?

BURNOUT 0065Truly hairball invert revert. This dude could skate an ironing board.

BURNOUT 0066Nicole sets off the air wars, to fakie.

BURNOUT 0067Hawk!

BURNOUT 0068Hosoi! I can't decide!

BURNOUT 0069Ah shit, we better get this thing going. Right before this, Lizzie, who wasn't even gonna skate because she slammed the day before, totally locked up on a backside air, annihilating her elbow (not shown.) As she sat on the sidelines we set the surprise in motion!

BURNOUT 0070Grosso feigns injury.

BURNOUT 0071And in an Oscar-worthy performance of personal pain, he reaches into his shorts only to produce ….. the new mag!

BURNOUT 0072'Wha?'

BURNOUT 0073And now the truly touching part.

BURNOUT 0074Even in the full crush of the media it was a special moment.

BURNOUT 0075Which Ben then squirted beer on.

BURNOUT 0076The reality sinks in.

BURNOUT 0077Tender moment, unbridled.

BURNOUT 0078Ah Mom …

BURNOUT 0079But wait, Tony's got something else.

BURNOUT 0080Just her first pro model on Birdhouse, no big deal.

BURNOUT 0081Haha!

BURNOUT 0082Again with the CL.

BURNOUT 0083Amazing.

BURNOUT 0084A Hosoi selfie is like a normal one, but just a little bit cooler.

BURNOUT 0085Could Nora be next?

BURNOUT 0086I mean, she's got a helluva backside air.

BURNOUT 0087Time for a group photo?

BURNOUT 0088Almost there.

BURNOUT 0089Perfect! Thanks friends of Lizzie!

BURNOUT 0090I mean, two more!

BURNOUT 0091Whahh!

BURNOUT 0092You two!

BURNOUT 0093The legends trip out on her interview.

BURNOUT 0094Wait'll they read it.

BURNOUT 0095With Brother and Larry.

BURNOUT 0096Axel 'n' Mom.

BURNOUT 0097Did I mention she ate shit right before this?

BURNOUT 0098Temporary Air Wars ceasefire.

BURNOUT 0099Good time to show the new ink!

BURNOUT 0100Your logo here.

BURNOUT 0101Even in happy times, the punker 'tude.

BURNOUT 0102Can't keep the Birdhouse team outta that van.

BURNOUT 0103What a surprise, Loy suggests a shotgun.

BURNOUT 0104Don't mess with the master.

BURNOUT 0105'You gotta want it!'

BURNOUT 0106The old hammer-the-other-guy's-thumb technique.

BURNOUT 0107Oh shit, Party Bird …

BURNOUT 0108Bite it!

BURNOUT 0109Just a normal day for DL.

BURNOUT 0110Ok, here we go.

BURNOUT 0111The team that chugs together, stays together. Something like that.

BURNOUT 0112Nice form.

BURNOUT 0113Yes! Congrats Lizzie! You're the best.

BURNOUT 0114Nothin' left but to mop up. Thanks Tony, Derek, the Zeuners and all of Lizzie's friends who made this an especially sweet day. So nice.