Burnout: Pipe Masters
Burnout washes up on Hawaii’s North Shore for another sun drenched demo with Vans’ talented Waffle Squad. Mahalo, amigos!
Must be da place
Scary, but just get in there
Even Tony Hawk was nervous as a kid
A few familiar faces and we’re feeling right at home
Packed decks!
‘Is that Curren Caples?? Nah, too short …’
No shortage of homies, or advice
Here we go!!!
Berle sparks it
Couple of champion ‘boarders right here: Elijah and Ivan
Don’t hassle me, I’m a local
Pressing tail
Even the BMXers were stoked
Upstream back tail
Had to get a second look at that
Nothing boneless about this booster
FSA on da big wall
Ex-teammates, ohana for life
Australia’s Jedd Mckenzie, flying what would not be his last stale of the afternoon
Muscle made it!
And a quick slide by from Lukas Miller, wow!
Action over at the tombstone
Gotta get … a little … closer
Curren’s frontside tuck is top notch, innit?
The kids know
Blunt to fake
Ryji with da stale
Even Simon had to strain to keep Jedd in frame
And the good ol’ heel flip indy for you modern types
Nice artwork on that tooth, eh?
Textbook floater from the Christ
Over the mountain
Andrecht with board to spare
Local Lilly Erickson with an incredible stale
And then one of the big stories of the week was Arisa Trew’s trip to the islands … and her McTwists, straight out of the gate
Inspiring a generation
360 egg
Oh, Muscle’s got fans, too
Style clinic continues
Off the side
Berle gets into the layback action
Curren keeps it blunt
Ryji got layback hands
While Arisa took this nose grind to revert. I know, right?!
Lip with the quick
Ollie shuffle
Pretty great performance
To cap an incredible year. Especially for this guy
Side view. This is a sweeper
Stale among friends
Big beef?!
From the cheap seats
Still impressive
Wrapping it up
Let the kids back in there
Centaur knows
Rippers in waiting
All you gotta do is roll in
Never too late
Oh shit, someone’s bleeding for it
Hurts so good!
Oh …
Giveaways in the tent, care of KVD
And they get to grow up here!
Future stars
Just add stickers
Priceless artwork, everywhere
Speaking of
So nice to meet you
Last flight from Carson
See yas next year
‘Til next time
Be careful on those hills
Great to see you, Willy
Thank you, Vans
And to all a good night

Burnout: Best Year Ever-2009
Here's a wrap up of 2009 from Burnout. -
Burnout: Awash
Here's the final chapter on Burnout's trip to Houston with the Habitat crew. Make sure to watch the video at the end—tight. -
Burnout: Spine Time
Burnout has a little spine time with the 2008 SOTY on the second-to-last day of his reign. -
Burnout: A Christian Nation
Burnout went to Houston, Texas with the Habitat bros. -
Burnout: Gig Relief
Burnout provides a few gems to start out your week.