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Burnout: Slightly Off

Chula streets. Watch your ass.

Burnout: Slightly Off
Mustachioed lion in the distance.

Burnout: Slightly Off

Burnout: Slightly Off
Jus' tryin' to hook up! Then the cops showed up (not shown.)

Burnout: Slightly Off
The Butcher flies under more peaceful circumstances.

Burnout: Slightly Off
Europe's Pete Eldridge - switch, of course.

Burnout: Slightly Off
Every time.

Burnout: Slightly Off
Later - tight quarters on a killer stack.

Burnout: Slightly Off
Maybe this side will work. Perfect.

Burnout: Slightly Off
Top-side style? Fuck.

Burnout: Slightly Off
Is this close?

Here's the part where I blow the sequence. Ever have a day where everything you do is slightly off?

Burnout: Slightly Off
Diego's protegé Paris steps in the fray.

Burnout: Slightly Off

Burnout: Slightly Off
'Yo Tommy? You down to try a couple more?'

Burnout: Slightly Off
How do you shoot a still for this trick anyway? Is it even possible?

Burnout: Slightly Off
Ok good.
Burnout: Slightly Off
You're actually saving me a lot of heartache here. Thank you, sir.