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Burnout: Sprackto


In death throes for Propeller, our guys find themselves in California's capitol for just a little more.

A lot going on, but there's some rad shit in there if you look hard enough.

The Primo of the flip grab. They should build this obstacle at every skatepark.

Now that's more like it!


Oh yeah. This is Cody Green you're talking about.

Bucksed up, back out the next morning.

Hell Hole!

We were all a little nervous.

'How is it, Row?'

Foliage on blast!

Lipped and locked.

Gave it the classic nah-nah.

Zorilla smells a line ...

Wonder if it'll make the movie? We'll know soon enough!

Later, taildrop sesh already in full swing.

Dan Lu's not exactly a lightweight on any wheels.

Still, nobody wanted to follow this line, scootwise.

Grind T

Giving DL some idears.

And then .... is this called a soul grind? Haven't bothered to learn their terms even for purposes of mockery.

And some point it just seems like too much effort I guess. Sunset in Sac. Not bad.