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Burnout: Tampa Crete

Though known for its top-notch skate events, pressed cheese sandwiches and the syphilitic Ybor drag, Tampa Florida also hosts a bevy of concrete terrain for those brave enough to venture past the pro shop. The Naawsty Crew reaps the rewards.

First stop - the Bro Bowl, which continues to endure despite it's possibly-racist name and general wonkiness. God save the Bro Bowl!

Monster fly-outs require prep work.

Reynolds said that the kickflip melon was his hardest trick in The End, so there's that to consider.

It's going to be up to you to determine which of these photos are bails. Koston trods air.

Pat, prepping the 'works.

The ol' Black Cats in the landing gambit!

Always effective!

Oh, he loves it.

Tail-grab assist!

Something to take your mind off the hang time.

Next one ...


Grant sails past the shenanegans with a couple floaters.

SOTY does it.

Fracas on the sideline - Rasta vs Blue Collar type.

Beef, subsequently squashed.

The South has always had a looser take on acceptable airs. Chasen-esque airwalk.

Here we go ...


SOTY '96!

'So yeah .. there I was, just kicking out ... sure I was scared but ... guys? Guys??'

Siesta comes early for SOTY '13.

Oh yeah.

'Group photo?'

Proud to be.

We'll get you in there next time.

Onwards to Turtle Ditch!


Ditches are kinda these dudes' thing.

360 ollie off the shell. Sick!

Look out!

Finger flip foot plant?!! (flip not shown)

'Nice ditch. Nice. Ditch.'

And introducing 'The P-Stone E-Z Mobile Mono-Pod.' Available in packs of 6, 12 and 20.

The old Ewan. Jesus, wait'll you see him now.

Classic fence bounce. Please use this as an opportunity to speculate on Frost's set-up, it's further ramifications as well as your own personal truck preferences.

Sethtafari takes that finger flip off the wall.

The action angle.

Damn Donnie!

Meanwhile, Cory plots bank to plank.

A perfect ditch 10.

Then that tech shit ...

You've already seen this plenty. Still pretty mindblowing.

Pretty much maxed out fun-wise.

'Hey Scoob ... what's the number for Uber?'

Frost departs.

A SOTY's embrace. Powerful stuff.

But the action won't stop!

Vigilante tranny by the Interstate.

The Big Dog seeks higher ground.

Attempt #2.

What's gonna work? Teamwork.

Brock on the nosegrind!

And to fakie.

Crooked grind into darkness.

'Mas cerveza amigo?'

'Si ... Si.'

'Do you think we could jetski to Cuba from here?'