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Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner

I entered one of those action sports photo contests. I didn't win.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
AVE knows how I feel.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Giant man leaping from high roof. No?

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Fitz feels the agony of defeat.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Buries it deep inside like a white-hot ball of rage.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Speaking of, some of Fucky's rage appears to be leaking out his eyeballs in this one. Yikes!

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Donnie, amidst the debris.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
If there was a half-submerged board in this one I reckon I could've at least won a gift certificate to Shakey's or some shit. This was the day Div almost melted.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
The neverending romance of lonely, half-broke shit.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Spider goes coconuts. I'd feel like a winner if I could blast a head-high air out of a fuckin' ditch, that's for sure.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Dakota gets glued up.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Skate Rock grudge match, beauty vs beauty.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
The rhythm of the poles? No?

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Nobody can blame me for trying to catch a ride on this Jefferson wave. Skate Rock renegading.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Hard to get a bad photo of Grant Taylor.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Remember when Big Fig crooked grinded the universe? Yeah, you've probably seen a lot of these before.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
All eyes on GT. I love this photo.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
I dreamt of this one for years before it actually happened. Thanks again, J Roy.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
A speck of Guzman radical, like a bug on a windshield.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Legends of flair, flairing.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner

Lizzie lays it back. Very popular photo.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Remember the time we had the run of a Paris art museum? Peabody threelers.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
The hunt.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Pay dirt.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Raven's big toe.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Raven's another 'shooting fish in a barrel' type of skater. Hard to get a bad shot.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Outtake from our SOTY Oz trip.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Rune pulls the chute mid-twist. Press had a field day.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Did you know Thrasher invented the one-frame sequence. No shit. Ask an old guy.

Burnout: You Are NOT a Winner
Win some, you lose some. Live life like Vincent on that chair and you'll always be a winner. Thanks for all the good times, bros.