Death Match 2019 Austin Photos
The ultimate Rock, Rap and Radical roadshow returned to Austin, Texas for three days of Thrasher-style fun. Despite some sad news, the spirit of stoke prevailed.
Photos by Michael Burnett, Atiba Jefferson, Jordan Joseffer and Frank MareKicking it off with a Texas plant. Mad suitable.
This ain’t Cedric’s first Match. Nah.
The OTHER Merlino, stepping out on a boneless one
The Muscle™ – practically a Death Match institution.
Roman P, back tail shove
Gary started handing out the cash early, sometimes before a dude had even finished his run
Local boy done good. Raney, stalling a Smith
Speaking of Lone Stars and what not …
Anonymous T plant
Ain’t nothin like fuckin’ air time
And … adios Amigos!
Austin's own Skeleton
Creeping Death
Narrow Head
Krimewatch from NYC
Ugly Mane, handsome Ako, celebrity Blake and shy Malto
Finally, some beautiful people! Janae and Dylan, sunkist AF
Top porch view
Meanwhile, can’t keep the street dogs off it
Impromptu flatground
Don’t worry. Diego loves it
Some stirring at the stage
Cross em out
YOT, today!
Incredibly fit
Ray and Chuck with the Youth
Hard Core royalty
Bring your baby, if you got one. Heck of a day 1
The sadness swept us into day 2.
Gave the ramp a fresh paint job for Jake
A numb sort of feeling
Heavy fuckin shit
Even the handsome suffer
Most solemn ramp jam I’ve ever attended
Well, guess it’s time to start this thing
Gary and Lui got em revved
Straight into an explosive session – kicked off Hassan style!
All the bros went straight into high gear
Franky, up on an arm
Muscle, poking it out
Hassan got bodied second run. You know Jake always loved a good slam
But would not be vanquished!
Borden, to board
Curren, sailing
Yuto’s roll in comes after a backside noseblunt revert
This was the accidental doubles with Roman. Never even saw it coming!
Tha wing
Cedric, to disaster
Big boy shit
Roman, planting fast
Kamikaze feebs
Jake gets told to breath while comeback kid Ronnie cruises by
Let the hippie fly
Egg revert and that's TIME!
The sessions went on all day
The Austin skate scene is one of the strongest in America
This was hip-hop day, you’ll be pleased to hear
Dana Dentata
Kari Faux
Lui gets beach balled during Nak’s set
Definite crowd fave
Oh yeah!
Time to get out and meet the kids
Everyone was there
Congrats on the part again, Nathan
Ball is life
Guru and his incense
Assed out
Max Fisher types, everywhere …
Gary, working the flat
No time for love, Dr Jones
Pick your poison
Ain’t nobody getting that sticker
Don’t do it, Ben
Pillars of the Death Match community – Sieben, Waters and Bingham
The many moods of Strubing
Nick and Diego, backstage blues
The Mills(s)
A teammate’s embrace
Tommy Wright III
Lil Ugly Mane
Flipp Dinero
Back with the people
We’ve all been there
Our bros from Vans. Thanks, y’all
Hass is out!
Meanwhile, back in the pit
Fifty-percent pushy, fifty-percent dusty
City Morgue
‘Oh, hell no …’
Delightful to others
OG’s, Tony V and Fatlip
Pinkies up, hoes down
Trending: afros
Waffle ‘em!
Josh Johnson, everywhere at once
Couple party moms, out on a tear
It’s literally all they drink up there
‘Surge pricing? Fuck!’
Del the Funky Homosapien
And finally, Day 3 and the namesake event – the Texas Death Match!
With death a little too real this year, it should be noted that this is pretty lighthearted affair
Made even more so with the addition of inflatable eyeballs
Still … a fun one
And Borden is the last man rolling!
Spend it wisely
Fontaines D.C.
‘When does the best trick start?? Don’t you know I’m LOCO?!’
Eyes over here, Frank
No Comply built a Daniel Johnston-themed obstacle for their uber-secret shoe release with Vans – eyeballs and everything!
Deathbox mouth too
Pabiches, feeling it out
Dink #1
CC, over the box
Backside dink
Local motion
Hale loves an extension
Never complying
It was a dream to have someone handplant an eyeball. Muscle’s early attempts were harrowing
Nailed, of course
Next, it was the Yuto show
Ollie McTwist. What’s Japanese for ‘Fuckin’ hell!’?
BS NB over the hole
Then Yüng Jake started in with the backflips
Be hard to get a better crowd pleaser
I mean, get there while you can
Definite people’s champ
That’s why we do this shit
You said it, jacket!
Viagra Boys
From there it was a blur
Rose-tinted future
Amyl and the Sniffers
The kids are still alright
The Black Angels
We swayed, drunken maniacs while Roky wailed
Roky Erickson
And we all made it home safe. Thanks Austin, the kids, Vans, musicians and all our Thrasher family
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Cover: Phil Shao – Smith Photo: Kanights Inside This Mag: Skating Burnside with Mark Gonzales, John Cardiel, Coco Santiago, Diggity Dawes, Skip Towne and more and interviews with Max Schaaf and Scott Johnson Also In This Issue: Rad ams Doug Shoemaker, Nikhil Thayer and James Qua and skating in Santa Rosa and BostonMusic Articles: Santana, No Use For A Name and Gaunt -
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