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Dylan Rieder

Dylan Rieder

by Schmitty

I've known Dylan and his life for a couple of years now, and my beautiful blue eyeballs have watched young Dylan morph from a shrink-wrapped, skeleton-physiqued, brace-faced pre-teen to an un-brace-faced, shrink-wrapped skeleton-physiqued teen. I think the only thing that's changed since I've known him is that he might (and I strongly emphasize might) have hit puberty. I'm not even near a full on legitimate grown up just yet, but I think I might actually be older than Dylan's Dad. Dylan's a young fella, but he's already got some good mentals in that little dome of his—and is one of the rare few kids that seems to be influenced by the more quality things in life. Unfortunately there's not enough up and coming kids that have a noodle like his. Dylan seems to be progressing like a mofo at all types of skating. The last couple of times that I've skated with Dylan in the last couple of years he’s definitely grown some more inches and now has more power, which is giving him a proper-ass style. I'm a picky bastard and don't back too many people thoroughly in the skateboard world but I'm backing Dylan, which is a hard stamp of approval to get from me. Well hot diggity, Dylan, you've now been blessed by "The Me." —Tim O'Connor

Fantasy spots:
Chicken's pool, all of Oz, LBC bump, Jim's ramp in SF

Local spots:
HB Park bank to curb, my old mini-ramp

No nicknames, please.

Street names:
This question sucks.

My dog Harley

Floyd, Syd Barrett, John Frusciante, BIG, Nakka, and Led Zeppelin

All trips to Europe

The Trip, Snatch, Casino, Scarface, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Skate vids:
Misled Youth, Underachievers, Sight Unseen

Dylan Rieder
Tré-flip. Photo: Rhino

Cheesy reality or regular TV shows:
"Tilt” (I find myself watching celebrity poker every night), and "South Park," "Family Guy", and "Drawn Together"

Video games:
"Red Dead Revolver," "Man Hunt," and "NFS Underground 2"


Lowrider grinds

Sometimes before ’hos

They're all good

A good trip

My lap tizzy

8" by 31"

Eating and sleeping

Bad habits or Guilty pleasures:
No comment

Shout outs:
Don't come to HB Park

Words to live by:
Know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em.

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