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2012 Contents Sequences

We rounded up all the sequences that graced our contents pages in 2012 and brought the gnar to life.

What kinda shit is this? Cory Kennedy, nosegrind nollie flip out. Hey vert dudes, you’re next. Sequence: Rhino

Dirty hands mean you’re gettin’ to work. Alec Majerus, big business back noseblunt. Sequence: Burnett

It’s no backside flip down El Toro, but this three-flip in Hollywood will have to do. Ryan Sheckler is God? Sequence: Pudwill, with an assist from Broach

His brother hit a pole with his head on KOTR 2010, but big bro Ryan Decenzo frontside 360s a triple set with no slam involved. Sequence: Rhino

Hard-ass Clint Walker never thinks twice about gettin’ some. Ollie grind, ollie in. Sequence: Rhino

Jacob Walder throws his feet in a blender and lives to tell about it. Switch inward heel tailslide. Sequence: Zaslavsky

Kyle Walker has kickflips down. This one’s caught, shiftied, and way past the curb. Sequence: Burnett

Blizzards? In Brea? Moooose… Sequence: Broach

The first frame says it all: “Showtime, bitches! Incoming!” Milton Martinez, shock-and-awe in Noe Valley. Sequence: Brook

He asked for the gnarliest spot in San Diego and he got it. Colombia’s David Gonzalez grinds through the kink, off the drop, and into skate history. Sequence: Burnett

Roots skating is all the rage. Take a Sargent Safeway curb trick and throw it down the biggest rail you can find. John Fitzgerald, boardslide to feeble. Sequence: Brook

The last real Don. It’s officially Andrew Reynolds. Triple-set, full-Cab. Sequence: Burnett