The two Indy trips started in the Bay area and headed up the I-5 freeway. It’s got some of the best terrain to hit between Northern California and Seattle—plenty of epic concrete parks, street spots, DIYs, wilderness and lots of clean air. The first day of rain we were thinking about what to do until it let up, but Gravette just says, “Fuck it, let’s go slosh around.” So that’s what we did, just sloshed around the Northwest!

Right outta the gate, Roman Pabich takes it to the streets with a shove in Newark, CA

With the trip officially sparked, Kirby hops in with a backside 360 nosegrab

Probably the only grad pic with an eggplant photo bomb. Roman Pabich sinks one at Sunnyvale's skatepark

Walkin' on sunshine, Roman finesses the fence with a boneless

Over, across and down from the extension, Cedric yanks a heater off the wall

Before the ankle roll, Pedro threw this proper eggplant at Treasure Island DIY

Technically it's only a four stair, but not technically, it's massive. Jaws catches a kickflip to start his leg of the trip

Scenic stop right off the I-5 for Cookie to get this feeble with a snow-capped Mt. Shasta in the background. Two views in one photo

Eugene, Oregon, is always a good stop to break up the drive. Taylor Kirby cures the carthritis with a tall front board

Stepping off the curved terraine, Roman goes rogue on a lengthy Smith

If the little bro's chompin', you know Cedric's close behind with a mean feeble

The Brothers Pabich!

Not only does Henry Gartland grind kinkers, he slides 'em too. Roseburg, OR, gets a taste

Breakfast of champions

The good Lord kept Cookie safe from the sack while Smithing this hellacious rail at a house of worship

Sugar-coated feeble down too many to count

While Roman catches a concrete nap...

…Ced flings a fine fingerflip lien to tail at Myrtle Creek

Shawn Hale 360 naps (nosetaps) on the side of a circle. Dude must like geometry—or maybe he's just really fucking good

Coming from the crusty street ain't easy, but Henry rips a kickflip back tail regardless

Kirby claims victory after a heavy battle for this gap to Smith grind. Not all soldiers wear camo

Skateboarding stigmatas

You can't hit Tigard and not get a dino move. Roman opts for an on-brand kickflip Indy

Jaws finds the first spot that meets his minimum stair count for a frontside 180

Roman throws a front feeble over Hubbard. Monk would be hyped

Like clockwork, Ced backs up his brother. Back tail over the empty space

Controlled-burn situation

Clive kickflips over the rail into the rough stuff

“Oh my God, are you Jaws?!”

Sailors gonna sail. Jaws feels the breeze before another sidewalk splat

He's not all hangtime. Aaron also steps to steep rails right after fence-high flights

Spot check

Clive sets a high mark with a wallride nose press

Much respect to the work that went into this spot. Kowalski tail blocks the top rope

Jaws will skate anything, as long as it's at least ten feet tall

No cross-pinch for Clive, just pure 50-50 commitment in downtown Seattle

Rainy day switch 270 front board. A good session for Zack's board and brain

Must-haves in the Northwest—kitty litter and a blow torch

Henry and Gavin dry up the spot

The kitty litter and torch combo did the trick and so did Henry. Backside overcrook

Always lookin' for ways to stay above the fray, Gravette makes it happen with a blunt to fakie in the dish at Long Acres DIY

Soaking cracks meant he had to use signs instead of Bondo for this quick ollie up, kinky 50-50 down

Not quite Mountain Bike Dave

Dry 'crete and sweaty pants, Cookie trades one moisture for another getting this backside nosegrind at Marginal Way

Zack waves goodbye to a soon-to-be-extinct obstacle

In other news, Cookie catches a bigspin off a Smith at the Seattle Central College

Nothing gets in between the Pabich bros, except maybe a dual-toned Kirby

Can’t keep Jaws off the roofs. Luckily, the dog doesn't seem to mind his shingle-shaking melon 180 move at Dope Planet

Sad to see Jaws have to leave a few days early. He blew out his knee on some heavy Seattle real estate. Cedric's shoes followed suit

On our drive back south, Clive capped the trip off right with this ollie into a mountain! See you on the next expedition