• June 1981

    June 1981
    Cover: Mike Smith - Frontside Smith Photo: Kevin Thatcher Inside This Mag: The Ranch Spring Nationals with competitors Mike Smith, Duane Peters, Mike Alba, Neil Blender and more and Steve Caballero, Roger Hickey and Steve Rocco talk about their favorite skatesAlso In This Issue: Top secret spots revealed and Texas spring competitionsMusic Articles: The Big Boys and U2
  • May 1981

    May 1981
    Cover: Duane Peters and Steve Caballero – Aggro Sweeper Re-entry, Lien Air Photos: Kevin Thatcher Inside This Mag: Skate City Whittier Pro/Am Contest with competitors Duane Peters, Lance Mountain, Steve Caballero, Neil Blender and more and a Swedish skate competitionAlso In This Issue: A day in the street, a night on the town, Sensation Basin's Third Anniversary Contest and the Galveston, TX contestMusic Articles: Adam and the Ants and the Big Boys
  • April 1981

    April 1981
    Cover: Allen Losi – Fakie Footplant Ollie Photo: Rose Inside This Mag: LA skatepark paradise and the mission to find the best pipes in Florida Also In This Issue: The ollie air and other unassisted, no handed aerial acrobatics and skating in DallasMusic Articles: The Big Boys and the Jam
  • March 1981

    March 1981
    Cover: Chris Miller - Bio Frontside Air Photo: Goodrich Inside This Mag: LA skatepark paradise and the Kona Pro/Am competitionAlso In This Issue: The art of dropping in and ASPOMusic Articles: 415 Compilation tunes and the Big Boys
  • February 1981

    February 1981
    Cover: Chris Strople - Frontside Slash Photo: Kevin Thatcher Inside This Mag: Lakewood Half-Pipe Pro/Am Contest, an interview with Shawn Peddle and rad public skateparksAlso In This Issue: Skate sessions in Berkeley, the Third Annual Pepsi Pro/Am Sensation Basin Skatepark Contest
  • January 1981

    January 1981
    Cover: artwork by Kevin Thatcher Inside This Mag: Upland Gold Cup Finale, downhill racing at in Capitola and at the Laguna Seca Raceway and semi-secret spots revealedAlso In This Issue: Street shredding and modern skate comics
  • A Day In The Life of B.A.

    A Day In The Life of B.A.
    Crailtap has a day in the life of Brian Anderson.
  • Nihilist Kills!!!

    Nihilist Kills!!!
    "Who would have thought that a few hundred drunk skaters in one building could be so destructive?"
  • Burnout: Cacka The First

    Burnout: Cacka The First
    Burnout starts an East Coast tour with the Toy Machiners in North Carolina.    
  • Mark Appleyard Interview

    Mark Appleyard Interview
    "I’m more selective with my stunt work."