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Peabody Interview

Peabody Interview

Ryan "Peabody" McWhirter
by John Alden

Let everyone know what your real name is.
Ryan McWhirter.

Who’s got your vote for this year’s SOTY?

You’ve been on the road non-stop all summer: Skate Rock, Beauty and the Beast, Indy tour… I heard you even jumped in the Habitat van for a week or so. Are you actually going to spend some time at home now? Where is home, anyway?
San Francisco. I’m leavin’ again tomorrow, but I hope to be hanging around here after that.

Peabody Interview
Frontside Smith grind at Ray's on the Skate Rock tour. Photo: Hammeke

What’s the gnarliest thing you saw on the Skate Rock Tour?
Dog Boy taking out that kid right next to me at the Sac park.

How was it being on the road and camping with the Girl team?
It was a good time for sure—no bullshit, just skating, camping, other good stuff.

Reno's seen plenty of disasters, but few like this low-to-high. Photo: Hammeke

Who was the MVP skater on the Beauty and the Beast?
Rick McCrank skated everything.

MVP partier?
Mike Mo—Mike Carroll and T-Mo combined into one—take the cake for most valuable partier.

How did you get on Anti Hero?
I don’t know. Shit happens.

Peabody Interview
Street Body, tailslide. Photo: Morford

Have you been in the van with new guy Chris Pfanner yet?
I’ve known Pfanner for a minute. He’s down!

How long were you on the Indy tour?
Julien bought me a bus ticket like 12 hours before we left, and Tony Trujillo and I rode out to Colorado to meet those guys. They let me tag along ’til we got back home; I think it was like 20 days.

How many beers would you say P-Stone consumes on any given day?
You can’t keep count; it’s impossible. I’ll say he’s rarely caught without one.

What's your favorite bridge park?
Channel, probably.

Peabody Interview
The Body heats it up with a back tail. Photo: Morford

Peabody Interview
Partying all night, skatin' all day. You get stuck at this shit park in Reno and try to grind it. Photo: Hammeke

I’ll name a bridge park, and you tell me the first skater that comes to mind. Burnside.

Peter Hewitt.

Tony Miorana.

Channel St.
Lil’ Robbie.

Peabody Interview
Peabody would rather be fishin'—wait, someone already coined that one. Photo: Morford

Who’s the best skater to ever skate the face of the earth?
The best you can’t say, but Cards is up there.

If you were going to kill yourself, how would you do it?
Gainer off the Golden Gate Bridge.

Last words?
Do your own shit.

Peabody Interview
Now that's a proper frontside rock.

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