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Reynolds SOTY Party '98

Reynolds SOTY Party '98

Andrew Reynolds S.O.T.Y. Party 1998

Back in 1998, Reynolds and the Piss Drunks held court at Bottom of the Hill. Mick and me got dressed up, Mick as the Mexican Leprechaun and me as the Scrooge. Reynolds was hammered and we got kicked out of Bottom of the Hill for five years. Just look at Spawn, Boulala, and all the rest. That party was fucking insane. —Jake Phelps

Reynolds SOTY Party '98

Ali Boulala

Reynolds SOTY Party '98

Reynolds, Dollin, and the Phelper

Reynolds SOTY Party '98

Ali Boulala introduces '98 SOTY, Andrew Reynolds

Reynolds SOTY Party '98

Reynolds SOTY Party '98

"You ok Andrew?"

Reynolds SOTY Party '98

Reyes Security to the rescue

Reynolds SOTY Party '98

Done and done.