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That’s What You Get When You Funk With Baker

T-Funk straight handled biz this summer. A killer section in the VXtinct homie video kicked it off and first part in The DC Promo video closed it out (both featured here on So it should be no surprise that a pro board would come knockin' on his door. Tristan spent the weekend in Montreal, Canada, with DC for the Dime Glory Challenge, but upon his return Baker was waiting for him at LAX. They had boards printed up to surprise him and rented a party bus to swoop him from the airport. They got the party started early. —Joe Hammeke

01 750pxNine-thirty AM, en route to LAX Photo: Atiba

02 750pxDrew passes out the new T-Funk pro models to the crew Photo: Atiba

03 750pxZach Allen holden' em up Photo: Atiba

04 750pxCyril and Shane reminiscing about their pro parties Photo: Atiba

05 750pxDee testing the joint-rolling capabilities, a must for a T-Funk model Photo: Atiba

06 750pxT-Funk ready to get swooped but Rowan has to turn him around Photo: Atiba

07 750pxDrew and the crew comin' in hot with the surprise. Check out those shirts DC cooked up Photo: Atiba

08 750px“That’s you, Pop!”  Zach Allen and Tiago Lemos approved Photo: Atiba

09 750pxBring it in Photo: Atiba

10 750pxDrew is hyped!  Why wouldn’t he be? T-Funk has been killing it! Photo: Atiba

11 750pxHoldin' up the goods Photo: Atiba

12 750pxA hug from mom… Photo: Atiba

13 750px…and dad Photo: Atiba

14 750pxSquadded up! Photo: Atiba

15 750pxEven airport security was down Photo: Atiba

16 750pxThanks, Boss Photo: Atiba

17 750pxLet’s take it back to Baker Boys Photo: Atiba

18 750pxAn outpouring of Baker, DC and Val Surf homies

19 750pxParty in the back

20 750pxShane Heyl always brings the stoke

21 750pxT-Funk, Mighty and Glaboe, hyped

22 750pxFamily photo: Dad brought the Jäger, Mom keeps it sensible with water and a sandwich

23 750pxMultiple twists going on here. Wait is that a…

24 750pxYup, DC hooked up a ring!

25 750pxDefinitely gonna drink to that!

26 750pxNeckface always comes correct with the Baker artwork

27 750px“Look, we got Pedlow on there”

28 750pxWell then, let’s get a Pedlow-locals shot

29 750pxZach Allen and Willy Lara, smoked or fried

30 750pxNext, time to pop bottles—or at least a bottle

31 750pxYussss

32 750pxDry yet refreshing

33 750pxHere comes Spanky and Herman with the cake

34 750pxSparklers weren't so sparkly

35 750pxT-Funk’s version of Chomp on This

36 750pxMmmmm, sweet

37 750pxNow, how much have I had to drink?

38 750pxThen CJ came in all crazy with a cake smash

39 750pxRemnants

40 750px“Hey, that’s all stuck in my ear!”

41 750pxStill good to eat, though. Nile Williams digs in

42 750pxSnoochie boochies—what have we here?

43 750pxDee knows what’s up

44 750pxNothin' like some pre-roll to get everyone fired up

45 750pxIt’s legal, right?

46 750pxNow time for some skate action. Victor Aceves, kickflip noseslide

47 750pxAfter Cyril smashed the cake, he smashed this switch heel

48 750pxLalo Trejo, front feebler

49 750pxMighty comes in with a huge kickflip disaster. Beagle’s got the footy

50 750pxAll the way from Osaka, Japan, Hayate Kamimura footplants over Dal the Handsome to shut down the show

51 750pxMind blown, holy shit and wow!

52 750px Gawd…

53 750px…Damn!

54 750pxYup. That's what you get!