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Bringing Back Kryptonics

Watch as Dave Hackett and others explain the origins of Kryptonics.

  • Z-Flex "The Beginning"

    Z-Flex "The Beginning"
    Watch part one of "The Beginning" and reserve your limited edition re-issue board here.
  • Dew Tour 2012: Yardsale

    Dew Tour 2012: Yardsale
    Outtakes and randomness from the entire Dew Tour weekend, all wrapped into one Yardsale with Zered, Weezy, Bingaman, Curtin, Manny, Gravette, and more.
  • Burnout: Day of the Dunc

    Burnout: Day of the Dunc
    Dave Duncan turned 50 years old. Wonder what that is in human years?
  • Dave Hackett's Slash Fest

    Dave Hackett's Slash Fest
    Dave Hackett’s inaugural Slash Fest took place Saturday at the Clairemont YMCA in San Diego. Check out some photos here.
  • Rune's Shoe Release At Pink Motel

    Rune's Shoe Release At Pink Motel
    Cons threw a party for Rune at the legendary Pink Motel. Huge bbq, free drinks, and a full-on session in the pool. Everyone from Tom Remillard to Dave Hackett was on hand.