Rattray Interviews Author of The Impossible
Books on skateboarding have a rocky history—most skaters would rather see sick photos or just be out there skating themselves. But John Rattray found a skate book that he's fully backing. Here, he interviews the author, Cole Louison.

Why So Sad? x Actions REALized Premiere Photos
Some of the best people in skating descended on Portland to rally behind Rattray and the fight against mental illness. Check the photos here. -
"Why So Sad?" Video
Rattray is on a noble mission to land a proper sad plant while simultaneously organizing a campaign to reduce depression and suicide in skating and beyond. Watch this powerful mini-doc to get inspired. -
Pushing Boarders: Second Annual Academic Skate Conference
The Pushing Boarders conference whose tagline is, “talking skateboarding,” invited some of the brightest academics, activists and pro skaters to Malmö, Sweden to discuss the hard issues on the social side of skating. Ted Schmitz investigates. -
"Why So Sad?" 2019 Mission for Mental Health
John Rattray is on his 3rd year raising funds for mental health. The hope is that one day we’ll talk about depression and anxiety as easily as we talk about swellbows. Learn all about this year's Why So Sad? mission here. -
The Good Egg: Mission #2
John Rattray and friends once again raise money for a good cause – this time cycling over Mt. Hood to set the world's record for most eggplants. Tune in tomorrow to watch all the action.