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REAL Fall '23 Drop 2 Catalog

REAL's got a new drop ready to keep the heat in the streets, from the Kelly Bird reissue to fresh graphics for Ishod, Mason and K-Walks. Check it.

REAL Cat 2 1500

  • Ishod Wair - Pushing Philly

    Ishod Wair - Pushing Philly
    Real Skateboards has launched their newest Pushing video today with Ishod Wair going home for a few days to push the streets of Philly.
  • Roll Forever Bingo

    Roll Forever Bingo
    The new Actions REALized Bingo board is made to commemorate Bingo's life, his achievements and what he gave to skateboarding.
  • Robbie Brockel Pushing Phoenix

    Robbie Brockel Pushing Phoenix
    Robbie Brockel hits the streets of his home town in this gnarly clip from Real.
  • Donnelly Pushing at Home

    Donnelly Pushing at Home
    Jake Donnelly takes to the streets of his hometown in Buffalo, NY in this clip from Real.
  • Pushing North Carolina

    Pushing North Carolina
    Justin Brock went home to NC to push around the streets and got this sick clip for Real.