Updates From The Road
The teams are in their vans and on the road from September 7th-18th. Watch this page for a constantly-updated feed of Instagram shit-talking and artsy-fartsy photo filters. Most recent first, oldest last. Enjoy.
Koston's Beard
"This is what I think about doing another #kotr2011 ..... Congrats Lakai! " —@erickoston

"This is what I think about doing another #kotr2011 ..... Congrats Lakai! " —@erickoston
Note From Dekline
"@erickoston @jordanhoffart seriously, I've been thinking about that prank call and you guys are so fucked. #kotr2011 winner is going to be figured out in less than 24 hours... Congrats again mother fucker" —@jaredlucas

"@erickoston @jordanhoffart seriously, I've been thinking about that prank call and you guys are so fucked. #kotr2011 winner is going to be figured out in less than 24 hours... Congrats again mother fucker" —@jaredlucas
No Place Like Home
"Finishing up King of the Road right now with @beer_run @atibaphoto @fucktyler @oddfuckingtaco and friends. #kotr2011 —@erickoston

"Finishing up King of the Road right now with @beer_run @atibaphoto @fucktyler @oddfuckingtaco and friends. #kotr2011 —@erickoston
Road Warriors
"Road warriors! #kotr2011" —@parttimepirate
"One of the highlights for sure today was when I looked over and saw Waylon pissing on PStones car." -epiclytrife

"Road warriors! #kotr2011" —@parttimepirate
"One of the highlights for sure today was when I looked over and saw Waylon pissing on PStones car." -epiclytrife
Thanks Nike
"Thanks Nike for hooking up the sickest hotel in SF, but sometimes nice doesn't equal comfortable..... #ballershit #kotr2011" —@erickoston

"Thanks Nike for hooking up the sickest hotel in SF, but sometimes nice doesn't equal comfortable..... #ballershit #kotr2011" —@erickoston
J Brock Flew In
"J Brock flew in just to turn the party up in the van to 11 #kotr2011" —@rtbftr78
""I'm in the muthafuckin houwse!!!"" -@erickoston

"J Brock flew in just to turn the party up in the van to 11 #kotr2011" —@rtbftr78
""I'm in the muthafuckin houwse!!!"" -@erickoston
True Or False
"True or False: I just picked up mystery guest #1 for #kotr2011 @erickoston @photojoebrook @carmelcreeper @ham_n_cheese @worldsbestdad " —@epiclytrife
"I hope so, he's the only one we can fit in the Yeto van" -@carmelcreeper

"True or False: I just picked up mystery guest #1 for #kotr2011 @erickoston @photojoebrook @carmelcreeper @ham_n_cheese @worldsbestdad " —@epiclytrife
"I hope so, he's the only one we can fit in the Yeto van" -@carmelcreeper
Golden Gate
"Finally made it to SF. Some of the guys wanted to see the Golden Gate Bridge. #kotr2011" —@erickoston

"Finally made it to SF. Some of the guys wanted to see the Golden Gate Bridge. #kotr2011" —@erickoston
Filmer Wheel
"You definitely win the Sasha Steinhorst award with this one @jaredlucas !!!" —@erickoston
"Hey @burnout, how many points do you get on #kotr2011 for giving yourself your own signature wheel as TM of the wheel company?" -@erickoston
"@erickoston I'm not the brand manager so I don't make those calls but thanks for posting it! My royalty checks will thank you later ;D" -@jaredlucas

"You definitely win the Sasha Steinhorst award with this one @jaredlucas !!!" —@erickoston
"Hey @burnout, how many points do you get on #kotr2011 for giving yourself your own signature wheel as TM of the wheel company?" -@erickoston
"@erickoston I'm not the brand manager so I don't make those calls but thanks for posting it! My royalty checks will thank you later ;D" -@jaredlucas
Take A Dip
"Rhino & Hambone, come on over and take a dip.... The water is nice. #kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper

"Rhino & Hambone, come on over and take a dip.... The water is nice. #kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper
Cover Up
"Why would you cover up this beauty with a shitty-ass dreamcatcher @jaredlucas" —@erickoston

"Why would you cover up this beauty with a shitty-ass dreamcatcher @jaredlucas" —@erickoston
An Honor
"It's my honor to get burned by Koston in front of his 17,000 instagram followers and 63,000 of his Facebook followers. @erickoston killing it!" —@jaredlucas

"It's my honor to get burned by Koston in front of his 17,000 instagram followers and 63,000 of his Facebook followers. @erickoston killing it!" —@jaredlucas
Are You Sure
"You sure Dekline is the team you're supposed to be with right now @jaredlucas ??? " —erickoston
";)" -@jaredlucas

"You sure Dekline is the team you're supposed to be with right now @jaredlucas ??? " —erickoston
";)" -@jaredlucas
Black Dildo
"Dan Z found Griffins black dildo when we cleaned out the broke down Yeto van. Griff you can have it back tomorrow I'm sure you are wanting to get fucked in the ass by the Vans team on your final stretch. Good luck!! #kotr2011 @thegrifdog " —carmelcreeper

"Dan Z found Griffins black dildo when we cleaned out the broke down Yeto van. Griff you can have it back tomorrow I'm sure you are wanting to get fucked in the ass by the Vans team on your final stretch. Good luck!! #kotr2011 @thegrifdog " —carmelcreeper
Slight Set Back
"Slight set back.... Our van blew up but we charged a new one to Griffs Mom's credit. Maxed that bitch the fuck out! SF here we come. #kotr2011 @thegrifdog" —carmelcreeper

"Slight set back.... Our van blew up but we charged a new one to Griffs Mom's credit. Maxed that bitch the fuck out! SF here we come. #kotr2011 @thegrifdog" —carmelcreeper
Insta Beef
"Don't start none, won't be none!....Insta-beef is on @jaredlucas #kotr2011" —@erickoston
"Straight to Brokeback? Bold moves @jaredlucas @erickoston" -@burnout
"All out of love @burnout :D @erickoston KOTR wouldn't be fun if there wasn't a little drama right? I even told @rtbftr78 I'd delete it if he deleted his. Offer stands. I'm done with the post though. It's getting to heavy. Good luck and safe travels" -@jaredlucas

"Don't start none, won't be none!....Insta-beef is on @jaredlucas #kotr2011" —@erickoston
"Straight to Brokeback? Bold moves @jaredlucas @erickoston" -@burnout
"All out of love @burnout :D @erickoston KOTR wouldn't be fun if there wasn't a little drama right? I even told @rtbftr78 I'd delete it if he deleted his. Offer stands. I'm done with the post though. It's getting to heavy. Good luck and safe travels" -@jaredlucas
"Thanks for showing us a good time in SD today @goonsac . Off to SF we go..... #kotr2011" —erickoston

"Thanks for showing us a good time in SD today @goonsac . Off to SF we go..... #kotr2011" —erickoston
Lt. Dangle Challenge
Lakai had a challenge in Reno called "Blog Domination" where they had to get photos on Nazi Gold, Olson Stuff, and Epicly LAterd at the same time. They are in those shorts because they are doing the "Lt. Dangle challenge".

Lakai had a challenge in Reno called "Blog Domination" where they had to get photos on Nazi Gold, Olson Stuff, and Epicly LAterd at the same time. They are in those shorts because they are doing the "Lt. Dangle challenge".
V Neck Minus 150 Points
"The Dakine team's filmer Jared Lucas wearing a V neck minus 150 points #kotr20111" —@rtbftr
"Nice try fo-hawk. That's an Active Crew tee, still got it for proof it's not a V-neck. Epic fail, sorry Christopher Rooney" -@jaredlucas
"I've got an epic fail for you @jaredlucas, just stay tuned....." -@erickoston

"The Dakine team's filmer Jared Lucas wearing a V neck minus 150 points #kotr20111" —@rtbftr
"Nice try fo-hawk. That's an Active Crew tee, still got it for proof it's not a V-neck. Epic fail, sorry Christopher Rooney" -@jaredlucas
"I've got an epic fail for you @jaredlucas, just stay tuned....." -@erickoston
A Great Place To Nap
"This looks like a great place to nap. @downsouthinhell you got this challenge #kotr2011" —erickoston

"This looks like a great place to nap. @downsouthinhell you got this challenge #kotr2011" —erickoston
Dakine Truck
"Looks like @carmelcreeper is on the hwy next to us #kotr2011" —@ham_n_cheese
"Haha! You got @carmelcreeper 's ass with this one. On another note, is @thegrifdog still curled up in the back of the van weeping? Give him a hug for me if so." -@worldsbestdad

"Looks like @carmelcreeper is on the hwy next to us #kotr2011" —@ham_n_cheese
"Haha! You got @carmelcreeper 's ass with this one. On another note, is @thegrifdog still curled up in the back of the van weeping? Give him a hug for me if so." -@worldsbestdad
San Diego Looks Nice
"San Diego looks pretty nice today. Not sure why I'm flying to SD though, only to have to drive 10 hours to SF later today?!? These city challenges have become a real nuisance in my golf schedule @burnout... Annoying" —erickoston

"San Diego looks pretty nice today. Not sure why I'm flying to SD though, only to have to drive 10 hours to SF later today?!? These city challenges have become a real nuisance in my golf schedule @burnout... Annoying" —erickoston
We Dont Sleep
"We don't sleep, we don't eat, we don't get along and Dan Z might leave us here.... Where the fuck is @thegrifdog #kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper
"I heard @thegrifdog has been curled up in the back of the van for about a week now trying to recover from your original barrage of posts. #kotr2011 was like his Vietnam and apparently he couldn't handle it and cracked. Isn't that right @parttimepirate ?" -@worldsbestdad

"We don't sleep, we don't eat, we don't get along and Dan Z might leave us here.... Where the fuck is @thegrifdog #kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper
"I heard @thegrifdog has been curled up in the back of the van for about a week now trying to recover from your original barrage of posts. #kotr2011 was like his Vietnam and apparently he couldn't handle it and cracked. Isn't that right @parttimepirate ?" -@worldsbestdad
"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha#kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper
"Sounds like that pussy Dan Z hit the wall. KOTR ain't for the weak." -@erickoston

"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha#kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper
"Sounds like that pussy Dan Z hit the wall. KOTR ain't for the weak." -@erickoston
MSNBC Is Coming For You
"Dan Z thought the book said most 14 yr old make outs.... #kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper
"MSNBC coming for you" -@rtbftr78

"Dan Z thought the book said most 14 yr old make outs.... #kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper
"MSNBC coming for you" -@rtbftr78
Dan Z Killing The Game
"Dan Z killing the game out here. #kotr2011 you know who that fingers for..... " —carmelcreepr

"Dan Z killing the game out here. #kotr2011 you know who that fingers for..... " —carmelcreepr
Leaving Las Vegas
"You've been good to us, thanks @erickoston for the real world suite!" —_scuba_steve

"You've been good to us, thanks @erickoston for the real world suite!" —_scuba_steve
Big Gay Ride
"Hammeke's big gay ride. @ham_n_cheese #kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper
"I would like this if it were a honda s2000" -@ham_n_cheese

"Hammeke's big gay ride. @ham_n_cheese #kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper
"I would like this if it were a honda s2000" -@ham_n_cheese
Get Pumped
"I hope this gets you pumped up fir the TM challenge in SF @samsklub! #kotr2011" —@erickoston
"Shit" -@samsklub

"I hope this gets you pumped up fir the TM challenge in SF @samsklub! #kotr2011" —@erickoston
"Shit" -@samsklub
Fire Ants
"This is what King of The Road is like #kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper
"Is that a vagina?" -@worldsbestdad

"This is what King of The Road is like #kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper
"Is that a vagina?" -@worldsbestdad
Meza Reflection
"Cloud burst/Meza reflection #kotr2011" —@photojoebrook
"Boring as fuck" -@erickoston

"Cloud burst/Meza reflection #kotr2011" —@photojoebrook
"Boring as fuck" -@erickoston
A Message To Koston
"Hey @erickoston , Leo, BJ.Penn, and myself just wanted to say hello. " —@worldsbestdad
"I'll take all 3 of you guys in the octagon right now!!!" -@erickoston

"Hey @erickoston , Leo, BJ.Penn, and myself just wanted to say hello. " —@worldsbestdad
"I'll take all 3 of you guys in the octagon right now!!!" -@erickoston
Bruised Foot
"#kotr2011 got smoked and bruise my foot trying to help the team w a challenge. Probably gonna be out of commission for the rest of the trip.. :/. Sorry @carmelcreeper @rspence " —@jaredlucas

"#kotr2011 got smoked and bruise my foot trying to help the team w a challenge. Probably gonna be out of commission for the rest of the trip.. :/. Sorry @carmelcreeper @rspence " —@jaredlucas
See You On The Other Side
"See ya'll mother fuckers on the other side......#kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper

"See ya'll mother fuckers on the other side......#kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper
Lightening And Rainbows
"Lightening + rainbow" —@raisedbycoyotes
"Hope a abduction happens again." -@carmelcreeper

"Lightening + rainbow" —@raisedbycoyotes
"Hope a abduction happens again." -@carmelcreeper
"@thegrifdog & I want a pit!" —@johnnylayton
"Two bitches.. Good fucking luck on KOTR! #kotr2011 @thegrifdog" -@carmelcreeper

"@thegrifdog & I want a pit!" —@johnnylayton
"Two bitches.. Good fucking luck on KOTR! #kotr2011 @thegrifdog" -@carmelcreeper
Keg Challenge
"Keg Challenge: @downsouthinhell if you carve this frontside you win a keg. @boblems @rtbftr78 @erickoston " —@epiclytrife

"Keg Challenge: @downsouthinhell if you carve this frontside you win a keg. @boblems @rtbftr78 @erickoston " —@epiclytrife
Balls Out
"Griff, you and the Vans guys still going Balls Out on King of The Road? #kotr2011 @thegrifdog @parttimepirate @worldsbestdad #kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper

"Griff, you and the Vans guys still going Balls Out on King of The Road? #kotr2011 @thegrifdog @parttimepirate @worldsbestdad #kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper
Weak Ass Bitch
"When I say "weak ass!", you say "bitch!"....weak ass, bitch!!! " —@erickoston
"@thegrifdog Griff they are playing your song." -@carmelcreeper

"When I say "weak ass!", you say "bitch!"....weak ass, bitch!!! " —@erickoston
"@thegrifdog Griff they are playing your song." -@carmelcreeper
Account Balance
"Please god, we need to win KOTR #kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper
"Beef jerky and corn flakes ain't cheap @carmelcreeper !!!" -@erickoston

"Please god, we need to win KOTR #kotr2011" —@carmelcreeper
"Beef jerky and corn flakes ain't cheap @carmelcreeper !!!" -@erickoston
"Pussies" —@carmelcreeper
"@carmelcreeper all those pussies you're rolling with sleep?? Fuck dat!" -@erickoston

"Pussies" —@carmelcreeper
"@carmelcreeper all those pussies you're rolling with sleep?? Fuck dat!" -@erickoston
Border Patrol
"Thank you KOTR for not making us cross that border. El Paso, TX 2011 #kotr2011 @burnout " —@carmelcreeper
"Heard they got a perfect manual pad over there." -@burnout

"Thank you KOTR for not making us cross that border. El Paso, TX 2011 #kotr2011 @burnout " —@carmelcreeper
"Heard they got a perfect manual pad over there." -@burnout
Goal Zero
"Goal zero hooked up portable power no more dead phone " —@ham_n_cheese
"@ham_n_cheese maybe if you got the fuck off instagram and shot a goddamn skate photo, your phone wouldn't be dead" -@erickoston
"Nice Product placement, asshole. What's next, an ergo shirt?" -@worldsbestdad

"Goal zero hooked up portable power no more dead phone " —@ham_n_cheese
"@ham_n_cheese maybe if you got the fuck off instagram and shot a goddamn skate photo, your phone wouldn't be dead" -@erickoston
"Nice Product placement, asshole. What's next, an ergo shirt?" -@worldsbestdad
Not Sure If Koston Got The Memo
"Not sure if Eric got the memo that he is on KOTR #kotr2011" —@rtbftr78
"So where are we gonna go skating today @rtbftr78. I'm totally ready now" -@erickoston

"Not sure if Eric got the memo that he is on KOTR #kotr2011" —@rtbftr78
"So where are we gonna go skating today @rtbftr78. I'm totally ready now" -@erickoston
Dekline Party
"#kotr2011 @rspence @carmelcreeper" —@jaredlucas
"Awe that's cute!! You guys have a van shaped just like the dakine backpacks you make" -@erickoston

"#kotr2011 @rspence @carmelcreeper" —@jaredlucas
"Awe that's cute!! You guys have a van shaped just like the dakine backpacks you make" -@erickoston
Drunk In The Van
"Killing it, drunk in the van at 2:50 pm. Lots of points today #kotr2011" —@rtbftr78

"Killing it, drunk in the van at 2:50 pm. Lots of points today #kotr2011" —@rtbftr78
"@carmelcreeper and his backpack team have little chance against some real shoe companies #kotr2011" —@ham_n_cheese
"Hey @ham_n_cheese they spelled Dakine wrong on that backpack." -@erickoston

"@carmelcreeper and his backpack team have little chance against some real shoe companies #kotr2011" —@ham_n_cheese
"Hey @ham_n_cheese they spelled Dakine wrong on that backpack." -@erickoston
Koston Birdie
"Ummm, I know I was supposed to be doing something else today, but can't seem to remember. Oh well." —@erickoston

"Ummm, I know I was supposed to be doing something else today, but can't seem to remember. Oh well." —@erickoston
Griffin Eats...
"Man Crush? Nah Nah... Sometimes you just got to suck a little bit of dick over at Vans and this #kotr2011 you guys are actually killing it in the dick sucking category. Best of luck @thegrifdog @parttimepirate "—@carmelcreeper

"Man Crush? Nah Nah... Sometimes you just got to suck a little bit of dick over at Vans and this #kotr2011 you guys are actually killing it in the dick sucking category. Best of luck @thegrifdog @parttimepirate "—@carmelcreeper
Carmel Creeper Double Fisting
"@PhotoJoeBrook, MJ has nothing on @carmelcreeper double fisting"—@timcisilino

"@PhotoJoeBrook, MJ has nothing on @carmelcreeper double fisting"—@timcisilino
A Young Sinclair
"This won't be the first time @carmelcreeper leads his team to victory, right @thegrifdog " –@burnout
"This photo is soo not gay right?"—@Billy_Marks

"This won't be the first time @carmelcreeper leads his team to victory, right @thegrifdog " –@burnout
"This photo is soo not gay right?"—@Billy_Marks
4 Levels Of Raging
"Going hard in the paint @DownSouthInHell & @CoryKennedy " –@ericKoston
"Black out Cory and @downsouthinhell keepin' it real. Nugg take notice."—@hntrsb

"Going hard in the paint @DownSouthInHell & @CoryKennedy " –@ericKoston
"Black out Cory and @downsouthinhell keepin' it real. Nugg take notice."—@hntrsb
Longboard Makeout
"#kotr2011 #longboard #makeout #challenge PLEASE help out and tell everyone to like this photo for the KOTR Instagram #popularpage challenge " –@jaredlucas

"#kotr2011 #longboard #makeout #challenge PLEASE help out and tell everyone to like this photo for the KOTR Instagram #popularpage challenge " –@jaredlucas
The Face of a Loser
"#kotr2011 remember this face kids.....it's the face of a fucking loser. @thegrifdog nice chain you fucking poser. I will give it to Griff he's really good a being something that he's not. Keep killing it out there and let me know if you need any help calling your mom. @thegrifdog" –@carmelcreeper

"#kotr2011 remember this face kids.....it's the face of a fucking loser. @thegrifdog nice chain you fucking poser. I will give it to Griff he's really good a being something that he's not. Keep killing it out there and let me know if you need any help calling your mom. @thegrifdog" –@carmelcreeper
Nike Organization Domination
“@heyfilmthis built himself a bunk bed in the van. #kotr2011” -@_scuba_steve

“@heyfilmthis built himself a bunk bed in the van. #kotr2011” -@_scuba_steve
Dekline Shits On Vans
“Shittin on em #kotr2011” -@carmelcreeper
"That's so cute! You guys really out did yourselves this time@carmelcreeper" -@parttimepirate
"Must be the first step the "demonstrate how Dekine copies a Vans shoe" @parttimepirate @thegrifdog" -@ham_n_cheese

“Shittin on em #kotr2011” -@carmelcreeper
"That's so cute! You guys really out did yourselves this time@carmelcreeper" -@parttimepirate
"Must be the first step the "demonstrate how Dekine copies a Vans shoe" @parttimepirate @thegrifdog" -@ham_n_cheese
Bob Reynolds Is A Bargain
“This guy certainly is a bargain! @boblems #NIKESB TM #kotr2011” -@erickoston
"Life goes on." -@ham_n_cheese
"Damn @ham_n_cheese ! Comin in hot with the zing!" -@erickoston

“This guy certainly is a bargain! @boblems #NIKESB TM #kotr2011” -@erickoston
"Life goes on." -@ham_n_cheese
"Damn @ham_n_cheese ! Comin in hot with the zing!" -@erickoston
Nike Bulks Up
“Nike crew bulking up on the carbs #KOTR2011” -@rtbftr78
"@carmelcreeper is outside waitng for leftovers" -@ham_n_cheese

“Nike crew bulking up on the carbs #KOTR2011” -@rtbftr78
"@carmelcreeper is outside waitng for leftovers" -@ham_n_cheese
Marc Johnson Reads Hella Books
“This dude's read hella books. He's about to finish this one. #kotr2011” -@therealcrailtap

“This dude's read hella books. He's about to finish this one. #kotr2011” -@therealcrailtap
Grant Taylor Sleeping On The Job
“Day 1 #kotr2011 and @downsouthinhell 's already try'n to sleep on the job ” -@erickoston

“Day 1 #kotr2011 and @downsouthinhell 's already try'n to sleep on the job ” -@erickoston
Make Out Challenge
“How many points do you need? #kotr2011” -@ham_n_cheese
"Judging by the board, looks like @johnnylayton handled that challenge. Right. @worldsbestdad @tempster_is_back" -@epiclytrife
"@epiclytrife I'd have to agree with you on that one. I bet @johnnylayton even got himself a victory banana split afterwards... I would have. ;) " -@worldsbestdad

“How many points do you need? #kotr2011” -@ham_n_cheese
"Judging by the board, looks like @johnnylayton handled that challenge. Right. @worldsbestdad @tempster_is_back" -@epiclytrife
"@epiclytrife I'd have to agree with you on that one. I bet @johnnylayton even got himself a victory banana split afterwards... I would have. ;) " -@worldsbestdad
Queen Of The Road
“@thegrifdog idiot... really? #KOTR2011 this is Kinf of the Road not Queen of The Road you fucking loser!” -@carmelcreeper

“@thegrifdog idiot... really? #KOTR2011 this is Kinf of the Road not Queen of The Road you fucking loser!” -@carmelcreeper
Grip It And Rip It
“Matt B and @7im7im getting ready for the day #kotr2011” -@timcisilino
"Starting at 1pm? Psh we've been at it for hours. -@johnnylayton

“Matt B and @7im7im getting ready for the day #kotr2011” -@timcisilino
"Starting at 1pm? Psh we've been at it for hours. -@johnnylayton
“Kotr challenge can you guys make TNT popular we need help!” -@raisedbycoyotes
"Fuck yeah Tony!" -@geoffrowley

“Kotr challenge can you guys make TNT popular we need help!” -@raisedbycoyotes
"Fuck yeah Tony!" -@geoffrowley
Ass Load
“@thegrifdog the only way Vans will win if there is an "ass load" of gay shit for Griff.” -@carmelcreeper
"I knew it." -@jbradforde34

“@thegrifdog the only way Vans will win if there is an "ass load" of gay shit for Griff.” -@carmelcreeper
"I knew it." -@jbradforde34
Star Players
“Star players #KOTR2011” -@photojoebrook
"Hell yes!!!" -@jimt43
"Worthy competitors." -@ham_n_cheese

“Star players #KOTR2011” -@photojoebrook
"Hell yes!!!" -@jimt43
"Worthy competitors." -@ham_n_cheese
“Rooming with this guy @carmelcreeper” -@timcisilino
"That drive from DC looks like it wore him out." -@ham_n_cheese
"@ham_n_cheese nah nah. Mike is ready to take on @thegrifdog for the TM challenges. #KOTR2011" -@timcisilino
"Somebody get @carmelcreeper a oxygen tank! Lookin rough! -@johnnylayton

“Rooming with this guy @carmelcreeper” -@timcisilino
"That drive from DC looks like it wore him out." -@ham_n_cheese
"@ham_n_cheese nah nah. Mike is ready to take on @thegrifdog for the TM challenges. #KOTR2011" -@timcisilino
"Somebody get @carmelcreeper a oxygen tank! Lookin rough! -@johnnylayton
Gnar Boots
“Good. Think you kooks are starting in Denver. I know you still think a frontside indy exists but #KOTR2011 is where you will have to take these off you fucking trust fund baby.” -@carmelcreeper
"Damn shit be gettin Instaheated!" -@akadune
"These are tight @thegriffdog hook up a pair." -@ham_n_cheese

“Good. Think you kooks are starting in Denver. I know you still think a frontside indy exists but #KOTR2011 is where you will have to take these off you fucking trust fund baby.” -@carmelcreeper
"Damn shit be gettin Instaheated!" -@akadune
"These are tight @thegriffdog hook up a pair." -@ham_n_cheese
Soul Plane
“Am I going on KOTR or a disco?” -@photojoebrook
"Let's see you dance!" -@mattevs
"Nike has a kotr tour plane. No big deal #KOTR2011" -@burnout

“Am I going on KOTR or a disco?” -@photojoebrook
"Let's see you dance!" -@mattevs
"Nike has a kotr tour plane. No big deal #KOTR2011" -@burnout
“Fucking Clown! @thegriffdog #KOTR2011” -@carmelcreeper
"That kid @thegriffdog had a Who's Hot around that era." -@jamieownens
"You should do a "look who blew it" on him next. @thegriffdog" -@carmelcreeper

“Fucking Clown! @thegriffdog #KOTR2011” -@carmelcreeper
"That kid @thegriffdog had a Who's Hot around that era." -@jamieownens
"You should do a "look who blew it" on him next. @thegriffdog" -@carmelcreeper
“@carmelcreeper we've got a real murderer on our team” -@thegrifdog
"And a child molester too it seems. You guys are fucking done! #KOTR2011" -@carmelcreeper

“@carmelcreeper we've got a real murderer on our team” -@thegrifdog
"And a child molester too it seems. You guys are fucking done! #KOTR2011" -@carmelcreeper
Blood Suckers
“@thegrifdog @parttimepirate @johnnylayton Vans ain't gonna scare nobody on #KOTR2011 you're already dead losers!” -@carmelcreeper
"I didn't know Dorian Tucker was still on." -@burnout

“@thegrifdog @parttimepirate @johnnylayton Vans ain't gonna scare nobody on #KOTR2011 you're already dead losers!” -@carmelcreeper
"I didn't know Dorian Tucker was still on." -@burnout
Toy Machine Mini
“Thanks @carmelcreeper looks like you sent Jlay the wrong size boards #KOTR2011” -@ham_n_cheese

“Thanks @carmelcreeper looks like you sent Jlay the wrong size boards #KOTR2011” -@ham_n_cheese
Open Wide
“Vans TM is ready to open wide for any challenge #KOTR2011 will bring his way” -@ham_n_cheese
"And by the looks of it @thegriffdog is ready for any deep throat challenge KOTR throws his way" -@worldsbestdad
"Ty Cabaya on Acid" -@carmelcreeper
"Slip it in." -@tempster_is_back
"Eat it fat boy." -@labucha

“Vans TM is ready to open wide for any challenge #KOTR2011 will bring his way” -@ham_n_cheese
"And by the looks of it @thegriffdog is ready for any deep throat challenge KOTR throws his way" -@worldsbestdad
"Ty Cabaya on Acid" -@carmelcreeper
"Slip it in." -@tempster_is_back
"Eat it fat boy." -@labucha
Mohawks And Middle Fingers
“He's already won kotr once. Ready to rock again” -@ham_n_cheese
"mephisto predicts knuckle does a naked madonna" -@corpsey69

“He's already won kotr once. Ready to rock again” -@ham_n_cheese
"mephisto predicts knuckle does a naked madonna" -@corpsey69
J Lay Ponders
“Thinking about how he's gonna smash @carmelcreeper and the dekine backpack crew” -@ham_n_cheese
"I've seen this look many times and it's all because he didn't get the right shoes in his box. Right @thegrifdog you guys are fucking losers from the start! Bow out if you know what's best. @parttimepirate" -@carmelcreeper
"@carmelcreeper that or it's banana split time." -@worldsbestdad
"Na na @carmelcreeper at least we have the right shoes! That's why your shitty company keeps knocking them off." -@parttimepirate

“Thinking about how he's gonna smash @carmelcreeper and the dekine backpack crew” -@ham_n_cheese
"I've seen this look many times and it's all because he didn't get the right shoes in his box. Right @thegrifdog you guys are fucking losers from the start! Bow out if you know what's best. @parttimepirate" -@carmelcreeper
"@carmelcreeper that or it's banana split time." -@worldsbestdad
"Na na @carmelcreeper at least we have the right shoes! That's why your shitty company keeps knocking them off." -@parttimepirate
Nike Limo
“Yeah it's the back of the Nike limo can #KOTR2011” -@rtbftr78
"Team winning" -@donniedeats

“Yeah it's the back of the Nike limo can #KOTR2011” -@rtbftr78
"Team winning" -@donniedeats
Highway To Hell
“Don't do anything Pete wouldn't do. King of the Road starts tonight #KOTR2011 Excellent photo by Morf.” -@burnout

“Don't do anything Pete wouldn't do. King of the Road starts tonight #KOTR2011 Excellent photo by Morf.” -@burnout
Sinclair And Griffin Beef
“I heard Steve Van Doren might even be doing some #KOTR2011 challenges this year? You are gonna need all the help you can get @thegrifdog oh yeah one more thing Griff, Fuck You!” -@carmelcreeper

“I heard Steve Van Doren might even be doing some #KOTR2011 challenges this year? You are gonna need all the help you can get @thegrifdog oh yeah one more thing Griff, Fuck You!” -@carmelcreeper
King of the Road 2011 Full Video
Here's the full KOTR 2011 video (all webisodes, back-to-back) plus an hour of bonus footage. Enjoy the wild ride one more time. -
King of the Road Webisode #13
Here's Lakai taking the win and a recap of all the insanity from one of the best KOTR's ever. Pure skateboarding, adventure, stoke, whatever you want to call it: a big thanks to Lakai, Vans, Nike SB, and Dekline for joining this strange ride. -
King of the Road Webisode #12
After killing themselves (and the Challenges book), the Vans team enjoys the end of the road. Trujillo, Berle, Lutheran, Layton, Crockett, and Mystery Guest Arto Saari put on a hell of a show this year. -
King of the Road Webisode #11
Nike SB goes full mental at the Los Angeles finish line. Ishod rips a bowl barefoot, Koston keeps his cool in a prank call, and Cory Kennedy continues his tech wizardry. -
King of the Road Webisode #10
The Dekline team gets some help from the Birdman as they near the end of the road in Los Angeles.