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Weekly Wrap-up

A lot of stuff went up on the site this week. Here's a little re-cap of the things you may have overlooked, and may be worth looking at again.

Double Rock: Taylor Bingaman

280DRbingamanThrow an all-terrain shredder like Taylor Bingaman inside Double Rock and the results are bound to be killer. From the ledge to the QP and back around to the hubba, this kid can skate it all.

Firing Line: Mikey Curtis

FiringLineIntro_MIkeyCurtis280"He does a kickflip, cruises a bit, and then does a boardslide." Doesn't sound like much, right? Mikey shows why a downhill line is always worth a look.

Burnout: Machine Memories

280machineMemorieswrapUpBurnout's currently on the road with the Toy dudes. He's been posting photos from past trips.

Night of the Living Shred

280nightoflivingShredHammeke went on Zero's Halloween demo tour and came back with this super blog full of photos and sequences.

To Europe with Love

280ToEuropeWithLove1Last Saturday, the third and final part of the éS trip to Europe went up on the site. Check out all three parts here.

Rodrigo in HD

280rodrigoHDLRG put together an edit of Rodrigo TX's HD footage from their "Give me my money Chico" video.


280shitheadsWrapUpT-Mo and friends skate an Oakland DIY spot in this clip from Deluxe.

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