Displaying items by tag: Firing Line
Firing Line: Max Hohlbein
This is probably the best Firing Line ever. Nuff said! -
Firing Line: Micky Papa
Micky flows from ledge to rail with a lightning quick flick, while making kickflip front crooks look far too easy. -
Firing Line: Jon Dickson
Jon unleashes his exquisite flick and quick feet on a sweet-looking spot. -
Firing Line: Yonnie Cruz
Yonnie whips together a solid line at USC’s “skate-stopped” ledges. -
Firing Line: Cairo Foster
A marble sanctuary gets lit up by the ageless and unstoppable Cairo Foster. -
Firing Line: Erick Winkowski
Erick barges an incomplete bowl with complete control and skill. This clip is so sick. -
Firing Line: David Loy
David casually weaves through a schoolyard before taking the sketchiest possible exit. -
Firing Line: Milton Martinez
Milton knows one speed, and that usually means pedal to the metal with a huge stack of stairs at the end. -
Firing Line: Ryan Thompson
Ryan careens through the streets with impressive pop and power. This is a rad line. -
Firing Line: Carlos Iqui
Carlos blazes through a powerful line with signature Brazilian POP.
Dickies X Spitfire Collab
You can't go on a session without seein' some Dickies or Spitfires. So it was only a matter of time before they teamed up. Check the gear here. -
Nate Guest's "Awaysted" Part
Nate drops a helluva video part, wielding a menacing flick and third eye for spots as he conquers every nook and cranny in San Francisco. -
Kona Russi's "Who's to Blame?" Video
A dedicated crew of Ventura locals rushes their residential cuts and takes on the hot spots in our own backyard. -
Nick Merlino's "Short But Sweet" Part
Merlino found the Lord but still drops hammers with a righteous fervor. -
Suvilahti DIY's "Södervik Mästare 6.0" Video
Oski joins Marius Syvanen, Cody Lockwood and the insane scene at Finland's famed Suvilahti DIY for the annual Södervik Mästare jam.
In The Mag
Handrail heavyweight Jamie Foy delivers a knockout punch to the final cover of 2024—16 down, six up and the grind of a lifetime. We caught up with the former SOTY to talk handrails, contests, and terrain. We got interviews with Brandon Westgate and Chris Russell. Full Death Match coverage, and last but certainly not least, YETI took the gang on a wild adventure to the Oregon Coast. Heavy issue, don’t miss it!