• Tired Skateboards Presents CHUCK™

    Tired Skateboards Presents CHUCK™

    It’s not Xmas morning without a Tired treat to soothe your soul.
  • Tired Skateboards: Tired and Destroyed

    Tired Skateboards: Tired and Destroyed

    Loosen your belt, lower your standards, and enjoy volume 4 of the Tired saga. 
  • Burnout: Saturdaze

    Burnout: Saturdaze

    The stars came out for the LA premier of “Saturdays,” Birdhouse’s first full-length video in ten years. Bros, babes, the Bird, proud parents and Clive Dixon turned pro! Where were you?!
  • Tiago Lemos' "Press Play" Premiere Photos

    Tiago Lemos' "Press Play" Premiere Photos

    DC shoes and Boulevard skateboards teamed up with LB Skate in Long Beach to throw Tiago Lemos a premiere for his Thrasher part going up this Friday. With Tiago's pop and trick selection, it was a no brainer for all of Cherry Park to come check out the sneak peak. —Ben Karpinski
  • adidas "Away Days" Premiere Photos

    adidas "Away Days" Premiere Photos

    Last night in LA, adidas threw one of the biggest premiers for their new video Away Days. Check out some photos here.
  • Tired Skateboards Video 3

    Tired Skateboards Video 3

    Tired isn’t age or ability, it’s a state of mind. All that matters is the love of skateboarding. Merry X-Mas and stuff.
  • SB "Chronicles III" Premiere Photos

    SB "Chronicles III" Premiere Photos

    Last night, the third installment in the Nike SB Chronicles series premiered online and at the Montalban Theater in the heart of Hollywood, California.
  • The Tired Skateboards Video

    The Tired Skateboards Video

    Some of us had it, then lost it. Most of us never had it, but still love it. This video is for you... and you too. Welcome to the team.