Junk Drawer
  • Firing Line: Matt Bennett

    Firing Line: Matt Bennett
    Matt speeds through a schoolyard that looks like a whole lotta fun.
  • King of the Road 2014: Episode 2

    King of the Road 2014: Episode 2
    Episode one was just the beginning. Burger King, babes, buttholes, and much more brutality are a click away.
  • Torey Pudwill's "True" Part

    Torey Pudwill's "True" Part
    The combination of tech and gnar put him in a category of his own. This part is as heavy as advertised...and then some. Sit back and enjoy the show.
  • Product Pillage with Andrew Reynolds

    Product Pillage with Andrew Reynolds
    Reynolds, Cyril, and Spanky roll through the NHS warehouse and pick out their favorite gear from Independent.
  • King of the Road 2014: Episode 1

    King of the Road 2014: Episode 1
    The hour is upon us! We present KOTR in all of its pee drinking, shit eating, booty twerking, hammer dropping, and point counting glory.
  • Torey Pudwill's "True" Teaser

    Torey Pudwill's "True" Teaser
    Torey Pudwill's part from Plan B's "True" video will be live on our site for 24 hours starting at midnight Pacific Time. 
  • Hall Of Meat: Brandon Westgate

    Hall Of Meat: Brandon Westgate
    The bigger the out-ledge the more likely it will take you out.
  • Thrasher Radio: Ep. 38 Jake's Picks Vol. 3

    Thrasher Radio: Ep. 38 Jake's Picks Vol. 3
    Winter days means no pros in town. Here are some of Phelpers faves for the road. Get in the car, slam the radio and see what you get.
  • RIP IN PEACE: Malcolm Armstrong

    RIP IN PEACE: Malcolm Armstrong
    Malcolm Armstrong was a local skater in SF who unfortunatley left us too soon. The boys made a tribue video for their fallen brother. We out here. –Jake Phelps
  • SKATELINE: 12.02.2014

    SKATELINE: 12.02.2014
    Plan B's "True", Ryan Sheckler lies, Grant Taylor, backflop pool bail, and more in today's episode of Skateline.
In The Mag
Tristan Funkhouser Thrasher Cover April 2025
T-Funk on the tree trunk. Tristan Funkhouser barks hard with a wrong-way tree transfer at a classic Natas spot. In this issue we have Blake Carpenter and Tom Schaar interviews, Chris Joslin's 5 Greats, a behind-the-scenes look at "War Cry," and a Monster mission to Europe. Get yours.