Junk Drawer
Milton Martinez's "Creature Fiend" Part
This part starts solid and just keeps building. By the end, Milton is destroying some truly enormous terrain. That backside 50-50 drop! Unreal. -
Best of KOTR: Barefoot
It feels strange and can be fun for a minute, but skating barefoot is straight-up gnarly and can take you out quick. Here's the best barefoot skating in KOTR history including Grant, Raven, and Jamie Thomas with sick enders. -
Firing Line: Clive Dixon
This ender requires both quick feet and plenty of snap. Bail it and you gotta go back to square one. Sick line. -
Etnies Welcomes Chris Joslin
Etnies welcomes Chris Joslin to their team with this sick full part. -
Harold Hunter Day VIII
The 8th Annual Harold Hunter Day is set for Saturday, October 11th. Details here. -
Milton Martinez's "Creature Fiend" Teaser
Straight outta Mar del Plata, Milton Martinez is a human wrecking ball. This part is gonna be gnarly, and it premieres here on Monday the 6th. Orgullo Argentino! -
The Slam Heard 'Round the World
You probably saw the slam last night on our Instagram account, but it's worth another look. Plus, we have an interview with the survivor, Miss Ivy Martin. -
Five Sequences: October 3, 2014
Garric Ray brings you this week's 'five' with Frank Shaw, Cody Lockwood, Chris Russell, Sean Conover, and Dane Brady. -
Alex Midler's "True To This" Trailer
Stay tuned for an Alex Midler 'True To This' full video part from Volcom. -
Carlos Iqui hits the streets of SF in this clip for the new collab between DC and FTC. Watch the clip here.