Junk Drawer
Classics: Phil Shao "Dedication"
Having a distinctive style while shredding every kind of terrain is as rad as it gets. And Phil Shao is a great example. Here's Al Partanen introducing a classic part from the 1998 Think video. -
Death Match 2013: Yardsale
On a weekend like Death Match it's only a matter of time until some crazy transfer session goes down on the ramp. This one was fairly dangerous. -
Dave Tuck Wants You!
The Camtest is an annual backyard style contest in honor of Dave Tuck. It's going down on May 25th so plan your trip now. -
Expedition Texas Tour
Expedition starts their first rodeo in Texas next week. Check out their dates and locations here. -
OJ Spring Blend
Freshly blended by OJ Wheels, this montage features Daniel Shimizu, Clint Peterson, Willy Akers, Ryan Harris, Marius Syvanen, Wes Kremer, Sid Melvin, Alex Horn, Jon Dickson, and more. -
Firing Line: Rick Rossi
Every town should have a slab spot like this. Rad lines all day. -
Reynolds Frontside Flip Contest
Andrew Reynolds breaks down what he's looking for in his frontside flip contest where you can win a pair of his new Emerica shoe. -
Jerry Hsu Reads Your Comments
Jerry Hsu reads your racist comments on this installment of We Shred It, You Said It, We Read It from Crailtap. -
Duncombe on LE
Jake Duncombe is the newest member of the Life Extention program. -
New From Thunder
All of the newest Thunder trucks for spring '13 just went live on their website including Chris Cole's chameleon hollow lights, the Neen machine, and more.