• 15 Years of Potrero Video

    15 Years of Potrero Video

    The Phelper was there when the fire started and it's still burning to this day. See the hits from a decade and a half of The City's beloved park.
  • Burnside 4 Life: 30 Years Under The Bridge Video

    Burnside 4 Life: 30 Years Under The Bridge Video

    Three decades of destruction smashed into six minutes. Big ups to everyone who’s chipped in or got broke off under the bridge. Fuel the stoke and build your own. 
  • Independent’s “2019 Rip Ride Rally” Video

    Independent’s “2019 Rip Ride Rally” Video

    Skateboarding’s top concrete crushers slug it out on the insane terrain of Red’s Lincoln City, Oregon – parks, pits, dirt and destruction. Grindline the Band, Arctic, Bad Shit and many more provide the soundtrack as the crew pushes the limits for those who can’t. Pure mayhem and good times! Where were you?!
  • Death Match 2019 Austin Video

    Death Match 2019 Austin Video

    As is tradition, we descended on Austin during SXSW for three days of shredding and music. The pit was lit, the ramp went ballistic, and we all raged in the name of Jake Phelps. Thank you to No-Comply skateshop and Vans for helping us keep the revs high in Texas every year.
  • Halloween at Burnside 2018 Video

    Halloween at Burnside 2018 Video

    Burnside’s birthday happens to be the spookiest day of the year. In celebration of its 28th trip around the sun, worshippers of this holy site donned their costumes and paid respect with frontside grinds and good times.
  • Dylan Bunnell's "Lite Death" Video

    Dylan Bunnell's "Lite Death" Video

    Sean Blueitt sparks it, a thousand homies get some (including Raybourn, Pulizzi and The Muscle) and John Worthington burns the house to the ground. If you had any concerns about the future of pool skating, backyard vert or just raw shredding in general, hit play and rest easy. Tokyo 2020? More like out your door right now. Get some.
  • Burnside Halloween 2017 Video

    Burnside Halloween 2017 Video

    We can’t talk about Halloween without giving you a dosage of the action under the Burnside Bridge in Portland. Always a good time and the party don’t stop, even if the cops show up.
  • CCS' "Total Disaster" Video

    CCS' "Total Disaster" Video

    When the CCS team rolls up, no tranny is safe! And although there are plenty of actual disasters in this vid, it's mostly filled with triumphant successes—catching air will never go out of style.
  • Double Rock: CCS

    Double Rock: CCS

    Kowalski, Merlino, Gurney, and Raybourn wreak havoc on The Rock’s vertical situations. Just wait ’til you see Ben’s ender.
  • Mason Merlino at Bingen Skatepark

    Mason Merlino at Bingen Skatepark

    Mason Merlino sets up the new "Juice" Hardline wheels from OJ and put's a hurting on Bingen skatepark.