• In the Shop: The Photograffiti Book

    In the Shop: The Photograffiti Book
    Celebrating over 40 years of reader-submitted skate photography. This coffee table book features 1,000+ photos, over 45 interviews and lots of special features. All on premium, photo-quality paper. Pick one up today.
  • Photograffiti: Best Skate Submissions 2016-2019

    Photograffiti: Best Skate Submissions 2016-2019
    By the time you post a skate photo on your phone, it's already buried under hundreds of pics of celebrities, selfies, and ass. Photograffiti runs only once a month in the magazine but the stoke lasts forever. Here are some of the best reader-submitted photos over the past few years. Long live print!
  • Ryan Maddox: King of Photograffiti

    Ryan Maddox: King of Photograffiti
    Man, we love those two pages in the back of the mag. Getting skate photos from different scenes around the world is a blast. Ryan has had more pics published in Photo-G than anyone so we figured we’d finally get to know the guy.