• Rough Cut: Evan Smith's "Time Trap" Part

    Rough Cut: Evan Smith's "Time Trap" Part
    Take a deeper dive into the filming of Evan’s epic DC shoes "Time Trap" part, including near-misses, and hidden gems.
  • Evan Smith's "Time Trap" Part

    Evan Smith's "Time Trap" Part
    Beyond the fact that he can do extraordinary things on his board, the best part about Evan’s approach is that it’s 100% unique. His style, creativity, and talent are a blessing to the world of skateboarding. Thank you, Evan!
  • Evan Smith Interview

    Evan Smith Interview
    You seen that part yet? Unreal. Evan is a one of a kind skate wizard. He’s a bit of a mystery, so here you get to know the guy behind the magic.