Brooklyn Banks Opening Photos
After almost a decade on the do-not-rip list, a part of the Brooklyn Banks is viable once more. Not only that, it’s also totally cool with the city to you to get your clips in peace. Next time you’re in town, stop under the bridge and give props to Steve Rodriguez and the Skatepark project for helping get this historic spot back. —Ted Schmitz

Oh shit, it’s the dude who made it happen! New York legend and public space savior Steve Rodriguez
The scene was very inclusive
Thanks to the Skatepark Project’s Alec Beck
First day and we already got poachers
Someone told me they didn’t really slappy this thing back in the day. They missed out
High spirits and good times? Jersey Dave must be on the scene
“It’s taller than I thought”
“And wider?”
The real masterlensman Jared Sherbert explains to Pad and Richie how he can shoot a cover one month and film and edit the next. Or maybe he was saying something less self-jocking
Ben will always be one of my favorite skaters because he skated to Billy Joel
Can’t believe Dave was brandishing those finger guns with all the cops around
The SOTY and his SHOTY
I poached someone’s photo. Just thought it was a wholesome scene
Every skate event needs a party dog
A lot of people think about Pete Davidson when they hear Staten Island. I only think of Leo Heinhert. And maybe that Van Wastell line at ABC
The REALest, Jaime Reyes pointed out what had changed since she skated the nine. To our right is where Kalis lofted that insane kicky
Peace up!
You thought the HPX was heavy?
What innovative graphic technology!
I think this is the board that just skated across the country
Coco’s owner said she liked to eat sticks. It’s true. This dog really likes to eat sticks
You may have heard Jiro dreams of skating. I don’t. I mostly have awful nightmares where I’m ridiculed by the people I love most
It’s beautiful
“At 5 o’clock they take me to the gallows pole”
The delegation from Chrystie NYC came through—Neil Herrick and Pep Kim
You thought he was just a desk jockey? Nah, Alec shows how he got that Birdhouse board with a fatty caveman
I was hoping Naquan would skate the set, but looks like he only brought his filmer board
You know when a trick is somewhere between a shove and pressure flip? You don’t? Well now you do
Westchester County legend Marcus Eagel and pop god Pero Simic rolled up
I thought the session was starting. False alarm
FALSE false alarm, Tompkins ripper Coles Bailey was the first to it with a front board
Was this the best no-comply I’ve ever seen or an ollie gone horribly wrong? Use your imagination
RB’s put in more hours at the banks than almost anyone on site
Coles steady killin’ it
Coco’s homie quick to the back Smith
One of the city’s most prolific, Neil Herrick threw a V heel to feel out the bricks
This thing barely grinded when the day started, but somehow Dick Rizzo took the switch slappy to the end. Magician shit
Not sure how this boardslide worked either
Jiro, no! That’s ABD!
Queezy and Jack Fardell get a good look at K Walks’ butt on a back heel
My fellow Queens guy Marcello Campanello couldn’t resist a free slice
I’m gonna make that Drake meme but it’s like Raffi’s "Bananaphone" in the no box and then banana flash in the yes box
Nailed it
Back to the good stuff, Jiro throws a front hurricane
And the crowd went absolutely ape shit
Kyle told me “people will probably be bummed on a benihana, but as long as you’re stoked I’ll do it.” I was absolutely stoked
So much that I shot it twice
Nine rail MVP, Coles was gunnin’ for that hundo someone taped to the rail
Noodle hopped to feeble
Older KIDS
And he’s back on it, 50-50
REAL recognize REAL
This photo sounds like weed
And he jumps?! Wait, where’d that 100 go?
With the backpack?!
Fuck yeah with the backpack. It’s 2002 and Muska’s gonna meetup later
One more spot? Come on, lemme get a pin
After the jam, we walked across the street for everyone who still had their jumping legs. Marcus was skate stopping the Gilbert block though
If you’re next to the Courthouse, you’re probably gonna see Giorgio the gargoyle
Noodle legs are actually good in this case
Another 50 on the day? Hell yeah
You saw Roadkill? Brandon’s the one fuckin’ up the rails all over town. Here he is back at it
A few tries later, back 5-0
And a crooks to close us out
Is this a band photo or just my gang skate-stopping the Gilbert block even harder?
Let’s go out on a picture of The Banks. I tried to make this like an old picture. Can you tell by the black and white? ET with a classy heelflip. Congrats again to everyone involved on liberating this epic spot. Special shout out to Steve Rodriguez for almost a decade in what I imagine is the longest email chain of all time. Thanks, Alec and the Skatepark Project. Stoked to see what goes down in the years to come
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