CJ Collins' "Welcome to Toy Machine" Photos
CJ Collins may be a young boy but he carries himself like a man. He’s not plagued with little-kid style or the inability to hold a conversation in the van. All this combined with a heavy bag of tricks landed him a spot as an am on one of the most prestigious teams in skateboarding. Barely a teenager, CJ Collins is now part of the Toy Machine Blood Sucking Skateboard Company. —Joe Hammeke
Headed out to Stix Ride Shop in Pomona for their annual Toy Machine signing and demo
Team Manager, Mike Sinclair, had a little surprise in store
Dan Lu approved
Eating pizza waiting for the rest of the team to arrive
Down to the last slice. Siri, how many slices of pizza can I eat?
Toy Machine’s benevolent overlord, Ed Templeton, right on time…
with the squad hot on his tail and my poor attempt at an Abby Road photo
First in line means first to high five Blake Carpenter
Each team rider had one of their pro model decks to hand out to a lucky Loyal Pawn of their choice
These two were all about the face signatures. They claimed they were never washing them off. Well, good for them the signing was on a holiday weekend so those signatures at least made it 'til Tuesday.
Proof of “If you’re not first, you’re last.” Only one of them got a free deck. Thanks, Matt B!
That same Loyal Pawn took the opportunity to get an Ed Templeton original Transistor Sect drawing on his cheek. Too bad he’s too young to walk around the corner and get it permanently tattooed
The next kid in line took the safer, more permanent route, ala t-shirt
CJ Collins patiently observing the artist at work
This pretty much nailed it with the nipple as an eyeball
Wanna guarantee a spot on the Thrasher blog? Bring the mag to the signing. These guys know
Someone’s hoping there’s a set of wheels to be handed out
Belgian pride
Axel got his nails done by one Lizzie Armanto
Obvious stoke.
The secret handshake
A nearly complete list of signatures on his Toy Machine flag
Then Dan Lu with a tasty announcement.
No way!
To the face!
But this was one tough cake
Look, there’s a dent where his nose hit
Tough enough for Toy Machine
Next it was off to the Claremont park for a demo where Matt B casually films Blake Carpenter’s equally casual switch back tail
Toy’s newest Am takes right to the quarter pipe
Leabres kickflipped the Triton barrier
Axel with the impossible
Matt B set the camera down long enough to give the Loyal Pawns what they want
A young fan with an impossible (and shin guards)
From the looks of this, those shin guards may have not been all that protective
The Tempster, definitely knows his way around a demo.
Toy flow rider, Hosea Peters, switch flip caught clean
Tre Williams, front blunt.
CJ Collins, no comply to—ahh, just watch the video! Congrats, kid! the future is looking bright

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