Creature in Kona
Hammeke checks in from the Kona skatepark with the Creature crew.

Legendary Kona skatepark. Jacksonville, Florida
Classic '70s 'crete
Completed in '77
The tombstone
Bingaman knows the snakerun is where it's at
Legendary Buck Smith and his daughter
Gravette goes ski style
The beards a blowin'
Working our way through the park Gravette relives a grind from years ago
Pretty sure this happened last time too
Ryan Reyes with a railie
...and a railie to fakie
Classic cars and classic grip tape
Surf wagons of choice
Don't forget the two wheelers
Legendary vert
Speaking of legendary vert Navarrette is ready
Decks were full
OG Minneapolis now living in Florida scissors crosses the channel
Tim Johnson with a Kona vert ramp NBD
…and follows it up with a stale egg
Rich Payne, tailgrab egg aka pain plant
Back to the snakerun
Charging up on a panhead
…and back down leading the pack
Navarrette lipslides the 'J bowl'
Then it was time for the pig roast
…and Kona beers
Broing down
Donny Griffin of The Search For Animal Chin, "You gotta push with your arm" fame and his son
Hair do's
…and more do's
'Till the rain came
Inside the walls are covered in skate history
That's my first board
…and mosh pits
Bob Umble knows you'll be back
Prevent This Tragedy: It's A Wrap
The mag's out and the video's in it. Look for it in the mail or at your local shop—you're not gonna want to miss this one. -
Gravette goes Gregslist
Gravette shreds junk-style with some choice Gregslist finds—where one man's crap is another man's skatepark. Via Strangenotes. -
The Horror
Pain, regret, embarrassment? What horrible shame do Jamie Thomas, Slash, Svitak, Garrett Hill, McCrank, Gravette, J Casanova and Rattray all have in common? Is it that time of the year again already? -
Burnout: Tombstoners
Vert's not dead, but we got it a tombstone. Burnout enters The Session in the Abyss. -
Hall Of Meat: Burning Dan
On any skate roadtrip, the slams add up until you're just a walking bruise. Drehobl and friends paid their dues on this one. "You're doing it wrong!"