King of the Rad Extension

King Of The Rad Extension
We know lipslide 360 flip noseblunt slides are hard, so we're going to give you all 'till the end of the month to send in your submissions for King of the Rad. The new deadline is October 31st, 2010, at 11:59 pm.
Thrasher magazine’s King of the Rad At-Home Challenge is your chance to bust and film the same tricks that the pros are trying to do on the King of the Road right now. The four skaters who land the most tricks and send us the footage win shoes for a year from Etnies, Nike SB, C1RCA, and Converse.
You’ve got until the end of the month to post your clips—Sunday, October 31st, at 11:59 pm.
The video must be titled: “Thrasher 2010 King of the Rad: Skater Name - ## Points”. (Example - Thrasher 2010 King of the Rad: Steve Randall - 666 Points).
Upload your video to by Monday October 11, 2010 at 11:59 pm. If you have trouble uploading to YouTube, watch this:
Email Us The Link
The email must be titled: “Thrasher 2010 King of the Rad: Skater Name - ## Points”. The body of the email must include the link to your YouTube video. Be sure to include contact information as well (phone/address)
Email your YouTube URL to: [email protected]
Check out all of the tricks here:

King of the Road: Best of Mystery Guests
Here's some previous guests at their best. This year's mystery crew will be announced tomorrow. -
King of the Road 2012: Anti-Hero Blog 2
Xeno and the Anti-Hero crew finish up in Portland and continue on their path. -
King of the Road 2012: Creature Blog 1
Creature Team checking in on KOTR 2012, three days in. Rolling through the Southwest, getting points, and leaving lots of empty beer cans behind. Next stop could be your town—don't get caught sleeping. -
King of the Road 2012: Toy Machine Blog 2
Dan Z and the Toy Machine crew hit the Colorado Springs skatepark, then move on to Denver. -
King of the Road 2012: Instagram Feed
Stay up-to-date with the latest news from the road by checking our Instagram feed here.