• Firing Line: Chris Russell

    Firing Line: Chris Russell
    Seems like every new clip we see of Chris he grows an inch and his skating just keeps getting gnarlier.
  • Session in the Abyss II

    Session in the Abyss II
    Vert skating is still some of the heaviest shit you can do on four wheels. Upstarts Jimmy Wilkins, Tom Schaar and Sam Beckett trade walls with legends Rune Glifberg, PLG and Jake Brown. And then there's the dudes who've never worn pads in their lives - Chris Russell gets stuffed then shuts it down!
  • Burnout: Back to the Abyss

    Burnout: Back to the Abyss
    Vert skating ain't dead. In fact, it's more evil than ever!
  • Channel St Uno Mas

    Channel St Uno Mas
    Here's one last session in the square with Russo, Russell, Stevens and crew at Channel St before they close the park down for a month.
  • Thrasher Vacation: Copenhagen

    Thrasher Vacation: Copenhagen
    With friends like these, who needs enemies? Copenhagen gets hit hard. Steady rollin' son.
  • Halloween Hellride 3

    Halloween Hellride 3
    The Hellride gets gnarlier every year. Raybourn claims the top spot, Ronnie literally gets caked, and Charlie Blair shuts down the festivities with a taildrop of death. Happy Halloween!
  • Resurrection In Ramona Video

    Resurrection In Ramona Video
    In October 2008 the world collapsed. Six years later the Rumble in Ramona gets resurrected. Some things change but this is one export that China doesn't want. Smell the glove, vert dogs rule.
  • Resurrection In Ramona Photos

    Resurrection In Ramona Photos
    It's been five years since the last Rumble in Ramona went down. The vert ramp got a new facelift and the session was back on.
  • San Purgatorium

    San Purgatorium
    This DIY thing is nothing new, but we've seen more concrete poured recently than ever before. Big ups to everyone that's put in work. Channel Street has been a San Pedro staple for a while now and Ronnie, Robbie, Oscar and many more went to work before they shut it down. 
  • Five Sequences: October 3, 2014

    Five Sequences: October 3, 2014
    Garric Ray brings you this week's 'five' with Frank Shaw, Cody Lockwood, Chris Russell, Sean Conover, and Dane Brady.