• Introducing the Provost Slim

    Introducing the Provost Slim
    Emerica is proud to announce the release of Collin's second shoe, The Provost Slim, with this rad clip.
  • Skatepark Round-Up: Stay Flared

    Skatepark Round-Up: Stay Flared
    With two squads this talented at a park this smooth, all you have to do is point a camera and capture a make. This is gonna be a great tour.
  • Classics: Stay Flared Double Feature

    Classics: Stay Flared Double Feature
    Pro skaters that are too cool or too jaded for demos never last long. Both Lakai and Emerica are stacked with legends who will skate anywhere, any time. Here are two epic tour vids from over a decade ago that both still stand on their own.
  • Burnout: Flareshadowing

    Burnout: Flareshadowing
    The must-see demo tour of the summer sparked off yesterday - Lakai and Emerica's Stay Flared extravaganza. This is skateboarding? Yeah right!
  • Stay Flared Tour Teaser

    Stay Flared Tour Teaser
    Talk about a star-studded cast. Two of skateboarding's heaviest rosters are hitting the road and may be in a town near you.
  • The FOS Wino Pack

    The FOS Wino Pack
    Emerica is proud to introduce their newest collaboration with long time friend and artist, Mark "FOS" Foster. Check it out.
  • Stay Flared Tour Teaser

    Stay Flared Tour Teaser
    Lakai and Emerica, two skater-owned shoe companies, have joined forces for one hell of a Summer Tour. From Westgate to MJ, Figgy to Biebel, this promises to be the heaviest of lineups. Stops have been announced, with more info to follow shortly. Stay tuned...
  • Emerica and Figgy Introduce The Figueroa

    Emerica and Figgy Introduce The Figueroa
    Get a detailed insight into The Figueroa all straight from Figgy himself.
  • Emerica Presents The Figueroa

    Emerica Presents The Figueroa
    Emerica is proud to announce the release of Figgy’s first shoe. Check out the clip here.
  • Emerica Presents the Herman G6 Vulc

    Emerica Presents the Herman G6 Vulc
    Bryan Herman hits an empty path with some style to introduce his new shoe from Emerica.